British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 524

If they can get the rights back off Alan Partridge they could have K9 back.

I still like the idea of a woman - or even a young boy!

Quote: Chappers @ June 8 2010, 11:40 PM BST

I still like the idea of a woman - or even a young boy!

Or an alien girl, like the one who was assistant to the Master before he 'woke up'.

Quote: Chappers @ June 8 2010, 11:40 PM BST

I still like the idea of a woman - or even a young boy!

Are you an Arab?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 9:12 PM BST

Well, it's a matter of opinion; I have no problem with either of thiose particular things that you mention; I don't see them as problematic or as 'faults'. But if you do, then you do.

Where did you get this ridiculous notion from?

Quality and depth in writing, acting and production is not a matter of opinion.

Nobody seems to have mentioned yet that despite Rory never having existed, the Doctor still seems to remember him. I suppose it will all be explained in the final two-parter when we get into the crack but I would have expected them to allude to it by now. Unless they haven't actually thought about it and it's a massive plothole.

P.S. I fully expect Matthew Stott to have "no problem" with this.

Quote: Badge @ June 9 2010, 1:44 AM BST

P.S. I fully expect Matthew Stott to have "no problem" with this.

Hey! It's his opinion!

What's his (or anyone else's) opinion on how they got rid of the body of that dead big blind invisible creature? I'd hate to think of people going to church and bumping into it all the time as it decomposes.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 9:55 PM BST

And my take on it stands. Excited, in a rush to jump head long into danger. In a hurry to get to the danger, you might say. That's the way I read it, but not yours.

If your interpretation were correct, it wound be a far worse mistake, because it would mean that the plot had not provided The Doctor with any proper motivation. He *should* need to get back in time quickly; if he's simply impatient, then it makes for a much weaker story, because then there's no tension.

Quote: Badge @ June 9 2010, 2:05 AM BST

What's his (or anyone else's) opinion on how they got rid of the body of that dead big blind invisible creature? I'd hate to think of people going to church and bumping into it all the time as it decomposes.

I would class this as one of those things which we have to accept just happens. Maybe it rots completely after half an hour? Maybe it turns to stone and gets used as a gargoyle? Or maybe they chop it up and take it out piece by piece? We're not told, but it would be easy to explain, so it needn't spoil our enjoyment. There are bigger problems to fulfill that task.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 8 2010, 5:41 PM BST

... he wasn't even shown holding his famous pipe - let alone smoking it. This pretence nowadays on TV that no-one smokes (or has ever smoked) is completely ridiculous.

I didn't see the recent Churchill (Daleks in WWII) episode in full, but surely it showed Winston puffing on his cigar and quaffing brandy?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 1:25 PM BST

Have you always felt that? Because it's always been that way.

Well, in the past (Classic Who) there was usually a single script editor, responsible for an entire season (or several), who would commission scripts from various writers and then tinker with them - or commit major surgery - to make them work and ensure the Doctor's character remained fairly consistent. (Generally this was done in consultation with the producer, who had to get approval from some BBC higher echelon arbiter of good taste.) The script editors for Ecclestone seemed to do a good job. The script editors for Matt Smith may be afraid of tinkering with scripts by big-name writers. It's a terrible shame that Matt Smith didn't pull a Tom Baker (notorious for changing lines he disliked - because he truly was the Doctor) from day one and declare: "The Doctor would not say 'wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey'. Let's have no more of this stupid bollocks in the scripts."

Quote: Timbo @ June 8 2010, 11:50 PM BST

Are you an Arab?

Not to veer crudely off-topic, but a true story: On my first day in Kuwait I was informed that for Arab men, a woman is for children, a boy for pleasure and a watermelon for pure ecstasy. About a year later when on an irrigation project in Gaza, the two young Bedouin lads harvesting the watermelons had put one large melon aside, later cut a hole into it and had sex with it. They offered to cut a new hole in the same melon for me to enjoy.

It's that kind of perverted maltreatment of a tasty fruit that's the reason for the siege.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 9 2010, 12:11 AM BST

Where did you get this ridiculous notion from?

The Baby Jesus.

Quote: Badge @ June 9 2010, 1:44 AM BST

P.S. I fully expect Matthew Stott to have "no problem" with this.

I thought this thread was to discuss Doctor Who; perhaps, if I or anyone else has thoughts that differ from one they read, or have ideas that could explain other posters doubts or questions, they should just keep them to themselves from now on for fear of being mocked and made to feel like a twat. I thought I was making some quite reasonable and calmly put responses to a few points, and have been taken to task and mocked by several posters now. NOT COOL.

Quote: Chappers @ June 8 2010, 11:40 PM BST

I still like the idea of a a young boy!


Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 9 2010, 9:04 AM BST

I thought this thread was to discuss Doctor Who; perhaps, if I or anyone else has thoughts that differ from one they read, or have ideas that could explain other posters doubts or questions, they should just keep them to themselves from now on for fear of being mocked and made to feel like a twat. I thought I was making some quite reasonable and calmly put responses to a few points, and have been taken to task and mocked by several posters now. NOT COOL.

I think it's just a 'sense' that the writers of Who can do no wrong in your eyes Matthew, and that you're seeing these episodes through rose tinted specs. Yes there not as bad as some people (including myself) probably make out and, really, it's a kids show at the end of the day being watched and judged by adults. I'm sure an 8 year old would have no problem with anything in the series (no, I'm not calling you an 8 year old). But there's, obviously, a lot wrong with it in the eyes of a lot of people here. I hope you don't take any of my replies personally, they're certainly not meant to be.

Matthew, you yourself have mocked and derided people on this thread who criticise Doctor Who as nerdy fanboys living in the past. And you do have quite a patronising way of dealing with people you disagree with.

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