British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 523

*prods Stott with pointy stick*

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 8:26 PM BST

And for this one, I would say it's because The Doctor is excited, the smell of new adventure and danger in his nostrils; he wants to chase after it as soon as possible. That would be my reading of it, anyway.

The Doctor says 'we need to hurry' and "we're in a hurry". Then he grabs Amy and pulls her away. He says they must leave the gallery because it's a 'matter of life and death'

I think he's trying to suggest that they need to hurry.

Quote: Nogget @ June 8 2010, 9:54 PM BST

The Doctor says 'we need to hurry' and "we're in a hurry". Then he grabs Amy and pulls her away. He says they must leave the gallery because it's a 'matter of life and death'

I think he's trying to suggest that they need to hurry.

And my take on it stands. Excited, in a rush to jump head long into danger. In a hurry to get to the danger, you might say. That's the way I read it, but not yours.

Quote: Timbo @ June 8 2010, 9:20 PM BST

I am sure that was the reason the line was there, and it was, in my view, a clumsy interpolation. And the point is if you have a time machine and you want to give an art lover a treat, you do not take them to an exhibition they could get to on the Eurostar. you take them to meet the artist - which is where the story should have started.

Maybe she wanted to see more than one artist? Or she didn't know who she liked and the Doctor wanted her to choose a favourite so he could whisk her away in his time machine to meet them? :P

It's all semantics anyway, the point of starting in the art gallery was so Van Gogh can see his work in the future and Bill Nighy can give his "100 word" speech. In fact, this was the entire point of the whole episode.

Quote: zooo @ June 8 2010, 7:25 PM BST

Did he go and cry face-down on his bed again?


Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 8:26 PM BST

Someone being delighted at being taken to a gallery in Paris is not a mistake, you just don't think it worthy of her being appreciative.

Theres is an idea... and then there is the idea being dramatised.

The Doc's always nice to Pond isn't he? The week before he'd been intending to take her to Rio.

Quote: chipolata @ June 8 2010, 10:01 PM BST

The Doc's always nice to Pond isn't he? The week before he'd been intending to take her to Rio.

Yeah but they ended up in Wales, so no, he's not always nice :O

Quote: Marc P @ June 8 2010, 10:01 PM BST

Theres is an idea... and then there is the idea being dramatised.

Yes, Yoda.

Quote: chipolata @ June 8 2010, 10:01 PM BST

The Doc's always nice to Pond isn't he? The week before he'd been intending to take her to Rio.

I still can't believe you haven't said you'd like to take a dip in that Pond yet chip!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 10:03 PM BST

Yes, Yoda.

It's true though isn't it Matthew. Challenge people on how they would do it rather than on opinions.. my advice!

Quote: Marc P @ June 8 2010, 10:05 PM BST

I still can't believe you haven't said you'd like to take a dip in that Pond yet chip!

Unlike Doctor Who, I like to confound expectations. :)


Quote: Marc P @ June 8 2010, 10:05 PM BST

I still can't believe you haven't said you'd like to take a dip in that Pond yet.

Laughing out loud I like that Marc.

>How one came to be on Earth was not explained.
>(Blindness doesn't keep you on one planet if
>you are used to travelling through space.)

Yes it was, he/it was left behind by the others of his race because he was blinded. "They are a vicious race" etc.

re: Visit the art gallery to please Amy. Was not the visit slightly into the future? 2012 ?

Really the last few Doctors have been very bland and samey haven't they.

The first was a wise old scientist, then a clown, a dandy, another clown.

but really what is the point of the recent ones - except to appeal to girls and Americans?

I think the last three have been pretty different. All young(ish) though. An older one would be good.
It's the companions that need to be different. All. Exactly. The. Same.


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