British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 522

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 8 2010, 5:41 PM BST

The script even called Van Gogh an impressionist, when he is in fact a post-impressionist.

To be honest it had the feel of something written by someone who had seen a Van Gogh exhibition on holiday and thought; "Wouldn't it be great if..."

I called him a Naive Impressionist the other day.

Did he go and cry face-down on his bed again?

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 8 2010, 5:41 PM BST

To be honest it had the feel of something written by someone who had seen a Van Gogh exhibition on holiday and thought; "Wouldn't it be great if..."

Talking of which, it did seem a bit odd that Amy went on about how nice the Doc was being to her taking her to all these wonderful places... such as this art gallery. Now I like art galleries, but if I could travel through time and space, going to a public art exhibition would not be high on my wow list.

Quote: Timbo @ June 8 2010, 7:36 PM BST

if I could travel through time and space, going to a public art exhibition would not be high on my wow list.

Yes, I thought that too. However, I tend to try to ignore these minor mistakes, because they are so, so very numerous. I mean, another one would be: why did The Doctor need to rush back in such a hurry to Van Gogh's time? The painting had existed for over 100 years, surely a few seconds won't matter now? But I simply ignore the small faults, and instead become utterly disillusioned by the big ones.

I think you both may be being a teensy bit picky for the sake of being picky there.

Quote: Nogget @ June 8 2010, 7:42 PM BST

I mean, another one would be: why did The Doctor need to rush back in such a hurry to Van Gogh's time? The painting had existed for over 100 years, surely a few seconds won't matter now?

I think it's because Moffat threw the script back in Curtis's face and said: "This is shit. Make it more exciting."

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 7:55 PM BST

I think you both may be being a teensy bit picky for the sake of being picky there.

Not really. Both errors stuck out like sore thumbs.

Quote: Timbo @ June 8 2010, 8:11 PM BST

Not really. Both errors stuck out like sore thumbs.

Someone being delighted at being taken to a gallery in Paris is not a mistake, you just don't think it worthy of her being appreciative.

Quote: Nogget @ June 8 2010, 7:42 PM BST

I mean, another one would be: why did The Doctor need to rush back in such a hurry to Van Gogh's time? The painting had existed for over 100 years, surely a few seconds won't matter now?

And for this one, I would say it's because The Doctor is excited, the smell of new adventure and danger in his nostrils; he wants to chase after it as soon as possible. That would be my reading of it, anyway.

Both of these points seem like things that have irked you as opposed to actual faults.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 7:55 PM BST

I think you both may be being a teensy bit picky for the sake of being picky there.

I think it's more like when a relationship isn't working then even the small things niggle.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 8:26 PM BST

Someone being delighted at being taken to a gallery in Paris is not a mistake, you just don't think it worthy of her being appreciative.

It wouldn't have mattered if such a big deal had not been made of it. A nice little exhibition does not really bear comparision with the exploding moons of Betelgeuse Four or whatever it was. There was actually no need for the line establishing why they were there.

And for this one, I would say it's because The Doctor is excited, the smell of new adventure and danger in his nostrils; he wants to chase after it as soon as possible. That would be my reading of it, anyway.

But that was not how the story was told, and it just drew attention to the inherent problems with the whole time travel thing - which you really do not want to be doing.

In any case the preamble in the gallery was unnecessary. If Amy was a big Van Gogh fan and it was supposed to be a treat, the Doc could just have taken Amy to see him in the first place.

It is sloppy and it irritates, and the series simply is not generating enough good will at the moment to get away with it.

Well, it's a matter of opinion; I have no problem with either of thiose particular things that you mention; I don't see them as problematic or as 'faults'. But if you do, then you do.

Quote: Timbo @ June 8 2010, 9:07 PM BST

There was actually no need for the line establishing why they were there.

Surely the line was referencing the fact Rory had died and she had forgotten all about him and thus didn't know why the Doctor was being nice? I don't see why if you like art you'd be any less fascinated by it just because you have a time machine.

Quote: Mickeza @ June 8 2010, 9:16 PM BST

Surely the line was referencing the fact Rory had died and she had forgotten all about him and thus didn't know why the Doctor was being nice? I don't see why if you like art you'd be any less fascinated by it just because you have a time machine.

I am sure that was the reason the line was there, and it was, in my view, a clumsy interpolation. And the point is if you have a time machine and you want to give an art lover a treat, you do not take them to an exhibition they could get to on the Eurostar. you take them to meet the artist - which is where the story should have started.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 9:12 PM BST

Well, it's a matter of opinion;

Stottie breaks out the relativist fallacy again. I'm gonna start counting.


Quote: Kevin Murphy @ June 8 2010, 9:23 PM BST

Stottie breaks out the relativist fallacy again. I'm gonna start counting.


Hey, you'd rather I just went 'I'm right, you're wrong, I am taking a shit on your opinion'? Because I will happily douche it up!

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