British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 519

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 7 2010, 10:14 PM BST

So what did you make of this weeks episode, Mr P?

Well what I meant was that mental illness isn't a concept it's a reality. I didn't learn anything about VVG or mental illness from it and I wasn't thrilled, surprised or had my expectations reversed. It wasn't written by a hungry or impassioned writer. No foreheads bled. I guess it was Tom Cruise dancing with J Lo or whoever it was. Story is everything and I am not sure what the story was here if I am honest. Damn sight better than some though over the last few years.

Quote: Badge @ June 7 2010, 8:29 PM BST

One of the biggest flaws - among many for me - was how it had the Doctor as a hopeless buffoon for much of the time. Hopeless and witless.

I found that refreshing after the Godlike figure he has become in the new Who. Really that is how this Doctor should have been re-invented from the outset. And the best joke in it was the cheeky reference to the Doctor's over-reliance on that bloody sonic screwdriver.

Not a classic episode, but no worse than many others, and did not have me reaching for the sickbag as much as some of RTD excesses.

Overall the series has been a disappointment, notwithstanding Matt Smith's performance. I am quite enjoying Paul McGann as the eighth Doctor on the radio though, and Sheridan Smith is sexier than Karen Gillan even as a disembodied voice. Must be something to do with actually being able to act rather than just relying on short skirts.

I think Ginge can act, just that her character hasn't been given too many layers.

Quote: chipolata @ June 7 2010, 11:06 PM BST

I think Ginge can act, just that her character hasn't been given too many layers.

Of clothing?

Quote: Timbo @ June 7 2010, 11:01 PM BST

I found that refreshing after the Godlike figure he has become in the new Who.

That's wrong too. What about a middle ground? The idea of an ingenious fellow? It's worked before you know... Nogget hit it on the head earlier - if this episode had been true to Dr Who then the Doctor would have thrown paint over the invisible monster. This one just wanted to bash it with a stick (so much for his anti-violence stance as well).

Yes he was possibly made a little too clueless, and I did wonder at his readiness to resort to violence, but I think a touch of buffoonery works well with Matt Smith's interpretation.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 7 2010, 7:44 PM BST

Even Blackadder? It would be awful to be too intelligent to enjoy that.

He co-wrote Blackadder in 1983. I was referring to things like this:

Four weddings & a load of shite
Bridget Jones
The Girl in the Café
Notting Hill
Bridget Jones- edge of reason
Love Actually
The Boat that Rocked

He's your man for low-brow, over-sentimental brain rot.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 7 2010, 11:25 PM BST

He co-wrote Blackadder in 1983. I was referring to things like this:

Four weddings & a load of shite
Bridget Jones
The Girl in the Café
Notting Hill
Bridget Jones- edge of reason
Love Actually
The Boat that Rocked

He's your man for low-brow, over-sentimental brain rot.

I must confess: with hindsight, I'd probably chuck Blackadder in there too. I loved it when I was a kid, but a lot of it seems pretty lazy now.

Quote: Timbo @ June 7 2010, 11:01 PM BST

and Sheridan Smith is sexier than Karen Gillan even as a disembodied voice. Must be something to do with actually being able to act rather than just relying on short skirts.

This is just bizarre. There can't be many actresses who have depended more fully on their tits and arse than Sheridan Smith.

She does have very nice tits and arse, but her acting abilities extend beyond being able to pout and frown.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 7 2010, 11:41 PM BST

This is just bizarre. There can't be many actresses who have depended more fully on their tits and arse than Sheridan Smith.

She has brilliant comic timing. Look at her in Love Soup too. I'd love to see a Renwick episode of Doctor Who.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 7 2010, 11:25 PM BST

He co-wrote Blackadder in 1983. I was referring to things like this:

Four weddings & a load of shite
Bridget Jones
The Girl in the Café
Notting Hill
Bridget Jones- edge of reason
Love Actually
The Boat that Rocked

He's your man for low-brow, over-sentimental brain rot.

Okay, but my post wasn't about his entire writing history, just Blackadder. You said you were too clever to enjoy anything he wrote, and he did write/co-write/whatever Blackadder, which still stands as an all time classic, regardless of what he did after. Call me Mr Pedantic.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ June 7 2010, 11:28 PM BST

I must confess: with hindsight, I'd probably chuck Blackadder in there too. I loved it when I was a kid, but a lot of it seems pretty lazy now.

What?! Bloody hell.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 8 2010, 8:50 AM BST

What?! Bloody hell.

Yeah, I probably didn't mean that.

Quote: Marc P @ June 8 2010, 8:45 AM BST

She has brilliant comic timing. Look at her in Love Soup too. I'd love to see a Renwick episode of Doctor Who.

No. You yourself pointed out that one reason the Curtis episode failed because it wasn't written by a hungry young writer. The DW episodes these comftable well known writers do smack of vanity projects.

Quote: chipolata @ June 8 2010, 9:09 AM BST

No. You yourself pointed out that one reason the Curtis episode failed because it wasn't written by a hungry young writer. The DW episodes these comftable well known writers do smack of vanity projects.

Well the that wasn't quite what I said :) Thing about Renwick though is he puts a lot of attention, usually, into the plot. There's an element of craft missing sometimes in WHO which Renwick and Moffett are masters of. It needs time spending on it though I guess.

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