Monday 7th June 2010 11:52am
5,447 posts
Quote: Marc P @ June 7 2010, 12:33 PM BST
Historical figures in WHO should be treated like Christ was in The Life Of Brian. Background figures not engaging with the main story. This is my take anyway. 
Exactly like Leonardo da Vinci being only a background figure in the Tom Baker era story City of Death (in which John Cleese appears).
Quote: sootyj @ June 7 2010, 10:21 AM BST
I think Old Who gets an unfairly good press. And doesn't really hold up all that well against Star Trek, The Outer Limits, Saphire and Steel, Blake's 7 etc.
It's good but it's also frequently, wooden slow and full of exposition and truly shamefully bad FX.
I dunno. I watched all of Sapphire and Steel about six months ago, as well as some of Blake's 7 and thought neither were as good as Game On. Star Trek I have never enjoyed.
The special effects in Classic Who aren't too bad - quality varies in each episode, the lowest point presumably being the Myrka.