British Comedy Guide

Sitcom (Com)Mission Page 82

Well I was too late to get tickets for the final so I won't be able to join in the frivolities and drama of The Sitcom Mission's conclusion!

Enjoy it everyone, may the best sitcom win! I'll be here online waiting for news.

Good luck to all concerned tonight, I am absolutely crapping myself. But in a good way.

Quote: Ponderer @ June 7 2010, 8:56 AM BST

Good luck to all concerned tonight, I am absolutely crapping myself. But in a good way.

The best of good luck to you Ponderer.
and to all :)

We're all still waiting... can't we have a sympathy update?

Ok guys, here's part of the press release that's going out tomorrow:

The winner, Bryn Mills, whose sitcom Thunderer was set in the world of early 20th-century Fleet Street, said, "Everyone at Thunderer is surprised and delighted to have won this year's Sitcom Mission against such a fantastic line-up of finalists. Thanks to Declan and Simon at Every 1's A Critic for their herculean efforts in arranging this amazing forum for writers and performers."

David Fynn, who directed and starred in Thunderer, added, "This competition has given us such fantastic opportunities and we have made a lot of great contacts. It's a fabulous breeding ground for young writers, actors and directors."

And congrats to Cian Barry and Emily Houghton, both from Thunderer, for winning Best Actor and Best Actress as well.

Cheers, we're going to sleep for a month, be back soon. Thanks for all your support.

Declan and Simon

Is there anywhere we could read the winning script? :)

Well done to The Thunderer and all the finalists. I saw Thunderer in the heats and definitely thought it had a great chance of winning.

Congrats to all involved last night. Especially to Thunderer who were deserved winners on the night, and their actors certainly deserved all the accolades they received too. Thanks also to Simon and Declan and all the rest involved in creating and running such a splendid opportunity.

If anyone is going to the Edinburgh Festival, you could do worse than catch an extended version of Thunderer, which will be part of the 'free fringe' up there in August.

Good job Thunderer and well done to all the other finalists.

I shall eagerly await the photographs of this most dramatic evening!

Congratulations to Bryn and all the cast and crew of Thunderer! You thoroughly deserved the title of Best Sitcom. And well done Emily and Cian: you guys rocked those tongue-twisty words.

I hope Edinburgh goes well and will keep an eye out for you if I'm up there this year!

Oh, and of course well done to Simon and Declan, the Sitcom Deities. What a marvellous achievement!

Rhys Jennings (out of Custody)

Oh yeah, I forgot, well done Simon and Declan. Seriously, I don't know why we're heaping such praise on you, it's not like you've organised a huge international competition with a series of high profile judges or anything.

... oh, no, wait...

As Ponderer says, we're taking a whole hour of Thundering up to the Edinburgh Fringe this August. We're on at the Ballroom at the Voodoo Rooms, West Register Street at 12:30 pm from the 9th to the 24th of August. And the show's free. Free, I tell you.

If you can't wait that long, or are scared of Scotsmen, then be sure to catch the London preview at the Tristan Bates Theatre, Covent Garden at 7:30 on Thursday July 22nd. Tickets are on sale now - call 0207 240 6283.

There will also be a preview in Cardiff later in July - details here as soon as they're finalised.

damn, why do I bloody live up north

Come and see 'The Box' from 18-20th August @ The Camden Head.
The hour long show starts @ 8.45 and you will get to see three cracking episodes.
Tickets available now @ £7.50 or they are free on the night if you buy me £7.50's worth of beer.

Congrats Bryn on winning.

And Russell for putting a whole half-season on! ;)


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