British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 514

Quote: AndreaLynne @ June 6 2010, 12:26 AM BST

I've had to avoid this thread so I don't spoil things for myself. I'm looking forward to it.

The best thing to do is watch the episode first and then come on the thread afterwards in order to spoil it.

Which was the famous painting that got white paint splashed accross it?

Did he repaint it I wonder?

Ha, I assumed they just made that one up. I'm no expert though.

Quote: AngieBaby @ June 5 2010, 11:49 PM BST

Just wikipedia'd Tony Curran (aka Vincent), and found out he is going to be in the Tin Tin movie. I'm looking forward to it even more now.

You might enjoy him in Red Road. A bleak but impressive movie. He even his cock out at one point.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 5 2010, 11:11 PM BST

... that you accused me of, by saying anyone who did like it can't be a fan of 'quality drama'.

In apologetic defence of Stott again, I have just enjoyed watching another Sylvester McCoy story: Battlefield. There was a great deal to dislike, especially Ace's spouting of "Gordon Bennett!" and "wicked!" (but Ace can be tolerated because anyone is better than her predecessor Bonnie Langford) and the overall lighthearted (at times verging on infantile) atmosphere of the whole the thing. Highlights were: the return of the Brigadier; Ace shouting "you yellow, slant-eyed--" at the Chinese girl (who was May Pang in the old John & Yoko TV movie); and the very end, when it seemed certain to finish on a nauseatingly twee girl-power note, it was suddenly redeemed by the Brigadier asking the Medieval knight from a parallel universe to mow his lawn, while the Doctor resigned himself to cooking dinner for them. They don't make 'em like that anymore. Often lame and childish, but sufficient gravitas from McCoy and minimal sentimental guff, making it far more enjoyable than any Matt Smith stuff thus far (with the possible exception of his first episode, which is not saying much).

Don't keep apologising to Matthew otherwise he'll get out of his cage, start to glow & float across the room.
You don't realise how powerful he could become.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 5 2010, 11:11 PM BST

Anyone who didn't like it is obviously perfectly right in their own opinion. And you know, Chip just did the same thing in the post you quote that you accused me of, by saying anyone who did like it can't be a fan of 'quality drama'.

Whether something is good or bad has nothing to do with opinion.

It is not a matter of opinion that Bill Hicks is a better comedian than Jim Davison for instance.

I'd like to know why The Doctor didn't just throw something over the invisible monster so they could all see it. Maybe they didn't have anything suitable to throw, I don't know. I mean, it's not as if they they had access to something like loads of paint.

Quote: Kenneth @ June 6 2010, 2:13 AM BST

In apologetic defence of Stott again, I have just enjoyed watching another Sylvester McCoy story: Battlefield. There was a great deal to dislike, especially Ace's spouting of "Gordon Bennett!" and "wicked!" (but Ace can be tolerated because anyone is better than her predecessor Bonnie Langford) and the overall lighthearted (at times verging on infantile) atmosphere of the whole the thing. Highlights were: the return of the Brigadier; Ace shouting "you yellow, slant-eyed--" at the Chinese girl (who was May Pang in the old John & Yoko TV movie); and the very end, when it seemed certain to finish on a nauseatingly twee girl-power note, it was suddenly redeemed by the Brigadier asking the Medieval knight from a parallel universe to mow his lawn, while the Doctor resigned himself to cooking dinner for them. They don't make 'em like that anymore. Often lame and childish, but sufficient gravitas from McCoy and minimal sentimental guff, making it far more enjoyable than any Matt Smith stuff thus far (with the possible exception of his first episode, which is not saying much).

That's an okay one, probably my least favourite of that final series though, but still full of good stuff. The Brigadier is great in it, bravely going in to face the monster alone. "Get off my world!"

And now have just watched the first part of Matt Smith vs the Silurians. It sucked ass.

Unnecessary hugging in the opening minutes: Check.
Sonic screwdriver massively overused: Check.
Ethereal ooh-wooh singing: Check.
Psychic paper: Check.
More emotion than tension: Check.
"Last of my race" bollocks: Check.
Doctor uses hip language ["don't diss the sonic screwdriver"]: Check.
Classic rubbish monster transformed into rubbish new version: Check.
Stott defends the episode: Check.

Having just watched last night's episode, I can't help but conclude that Richard Curtis needs more pain in his life.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ June 6 2010, 12:57 PM BST

Having just watched last night's episode, I can't help but conclude that Richard Curtis needs more pain in his life.

Yes, someone should make him sit through Love Actually in it's entirety!

I'm going to re-watch this episode before commenting, it's near universal praise is making me think I missed something, though I suspect maybe those praising it missed the preceding 30 minute dull fest before Van Gogh went to the gallery.

Quote: Kenneth @ June 6 2010, 12:15 PM BST

Stott defends the episode: Check.

Oi! No need for that! :D If you actually look at what I said about that first episode, you'll see I wasn't too impressed either. I only put across what I think, I'm not pretending or trying to make excuses. Was that first Silurian episode shit? No, I don't think it was. Was it a bit meh? A bit dull? Yes, to me that sums it up. To some, that is enough to cry 'shit'.

Well, being dull is a pretty big problem in something that's supposed to entertain.

Quote: chipolata @ June 6 2010, 2:17 PM BST

Well, being dull is a pretty big problem in something that's supposed to entertain.


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