British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 509

The guy playing Van Gogh was brilliant, too.

Quote: Nil Putters @ June 5 2010, 7:41 PM BST

"Sorry about the beard" to Nighy was amusing

Ah, yes, that too!

It was a very different style of episode, but in a good way. It's often said that Who can do any kind of story, week to week, but it rarely actually does.

And I loved his contraption thingy. I like little home-made looking machines like that, they should have more of those.

And weird to hear he has a godmother.

I'm quite looking forward to Godot absolutely destoying this weeks ep! Laughing out loud

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 5 2010, 7:42 PM BST

It was a very different style of episode, but in a good way.

Was it? I thought it was same old same old.

On the plus side, I did enjoy seeing some of the old doctors. Nice little touch.

I even liked the lame-o bit where they made the sky all painty.

There were over-sentimental bits I didn't like, like the hand holding and weird flirting between Amy and Van Gogh, but overall, it was one of my favourites so far this series.

Oh yes, and the Doctor pronounced Van Gogh properly (ie like normal people do), yay!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 5 2010, 7:43 PM BST

I'm quite looking forward to Godot absolutely destoying this weeks ep! Laughing out loud

He probably died of a rage embolism during the episode.

Quote: chipolata @ June 5 2010, 7:44 PM BST

Was it? I thought it was same old same old.

Really?! By gum.

Quote: zooo @ June 5 2010, 7:42 PM BST

And I loved his contraption thingy. I like little home-made looking machines like that, they should have more of those.

Nah, it reminded be of Ghostbusters for some reason. Nice use of Hartnell (again) & Troughton, but maybe we could see Baker or Davidson for a change.

Good grief. Worst. Episode. Ever. There was one very funny line but that was at the end with the if-you-have-been-affected-by-the-issues announcement. I nearly rang the damn number.

Quote: zooo @ June 5 2010, 7:44 PM BST

I even liked the lame-o bit where they made the sky all painty.

Oh, why was that lame? That was wonderful! Ah well.

Quote: chipolata @ June 5 2010, 7:44 PM BST

He probably died of a rage embolism during the episode.

He's a remarkably furious person.

Quote: Badge @ June 5 2010, 7:45 PM BST

Good grief. Worst. Episode. Ever. There was one very funny line but that was at the end with the if-you-have-been-affected-by-the-issues announcement. I nearly rang the damn number.

They didn't really do that did they...?

Quote: Nil Putters @ June 5 2010, 7:45 PM BST

Nah, it reminded be of Ghostbusters for some reason.


Quote: zooo @ June 5 2010, 7:47 PM BST

They didn't really do that did they...?

Like really seriously, yes.

The alien seemed really thrown in and the jeopardy seemed forced - that the gallery would not have any more works by Van Gogh - wasn't quite the same as the end of the world or the extinction of humankind. Yet it was still quite enjoyable.

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