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Quote: billwill @ June 4 2010, 12:17 PM BST

Well we don't want to scare Robyn toooo much but Southgate Cemetery is said to be a haunt of REAL vampires.

:O :O :O

It's okay! I moved house a few years ago!

And it is bloody scary in there when it's dark!


Rolling eyes

I think the person to blame for the current Twishite vamps is Anne Rice. I LOVE Interview with the Vampire but the tortured Vampire thing has been done to death now and they're no longer cool. I agree with zooo, they need to be left alone for a few years. Werewolves seem to be coming back into fashion, it's a shame the remake of The Wolfman was a bit of a mess.

The only vampire thing I've been into is True Blood, largely due to Alan Ball having previously written Six Feet Under.

I do like a werewolf. And I'm still not bored of zombies. I say someone sould start a book series about zombies. Falling in love and being all sexy like the vampires are...

Yeah.....the sexy undead...

Quote: bamalamafizzvaj @ June 4 2010, 3:05 PM BST

I think the person to blame for the current Twishite vamps is Anne Rice. I LOVE Interview with the Vampire but the tortured Vampire thing has been done to death now and they're no longer cool. I agree with zooo, they need to be left alone for a few years. Werewolves seem to be coming back into fashion, it's a shame the remake of The Wolfman was a bit of a mess.

Zombies, Werewolves and Vampires need a rest for a while. Lets have some original monsters :O Sorry I've gone to far.

I like True Blood because in brings in other mythical beings like shape shifters, witches and other stuffs.

Not keen on the "romantic" Twilight stuff though. Although I don't mind a bit of gothicy Interview With a Vampire stuff.

It's annoying their are trends with this, I'd be up for a few vampire, zombie, werewolf films. It's just the amount of clones that put me off.

Quote: Gavin @ June 4 2010, 3:11 PM BST

Zombies, Werewolves and Vampires need a rest for a while. Lets have some original monsters :O Sorry I've gone to far.

I'm currently working on a screenplay about a giant turd that comes out of the toilet and comes into contact with an unknown sunbstance from space or Croydon or somewhere and grows to mammoth proportions before leaving a horrible mess everywhere and eats baby goats and stuff.

Quote: bamalamafizzvaj @ June 4 2010, 3:21 PM BST

I'm currently working on a screenplay about a giant turd that comes out of the toilet and comes into contact with an unknown sunbstance from space or Croydon or somewhere and grows to mammoth proportions before leaving a horrible mess everywhere and eats baby goats and stuff.

You've been watching Dogma I take it.

Curses! *rips up years worth of work*

Isn't the problem with all this zombie/vampire/werewolf stuff that, as Paul Schrader pointed out recently, every possible plot line has been done to death. We've reached a point of "narrative exhaustion". And this doesn't just apply to supernatural stuff, it applies to everything.

Quote: chipolata @ June 4 2010, 3:25 PM BST

"narrative exhaustion".


I am laughing at this in the BCG newsletter.

"I'm looking for some serious articles and books about British sitcoms. I'm particularly interested in any sources that look at sitcoms from the point of view of the television industry." - chipolata asking for books and articles treating sitcom as commodity rather than art. Can you help him?

I don't think anyone can help Chip. Laughing out loud

Quote: EllieJP @ June 4 2010, 3:38 PM BST

I am laughing at this in the BCG newsletter.

"I'm looking for some serious articles and books about British sitcoms. I'm particularly interested in any sources that look at sitcoms from the point of view of the television industry." - chipolata asking for books and articles treating sitcom as commodity rather than art. Can you help him?

I don't think anyone can help Chip. Laughing out loud

You and Lucas are like a tag team! I defeat one, and the other jumps into the ring!

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