British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 140

My Apologies.
I hadn't read it all, I was watching my video tapes of Live at studio 5 so I was a bit distracted.

As he also says
"It's not like we can half-ass it and win the World Cup."

I think he's hit the nail on the head right there.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 30 2010, 8:23 PM BST

My Apologies.
I hadn't read it all, I was watching my video tapes of Live at studio 5 so I was a bit distracted.

As he also says
"It's not like we can half-ass it and win the World Cup."

I think he's hit the nail on the head right there.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

If you wanted to deal with an attempt to break an embargo you'd imposed on a neighbouring state, but you were aware that heavy-handed tactics might upset international opinion, how would you go about doing it?

Probably the same way I'd go about defending my borders from an illegal attempt to penetrate them?

Israel's a pretty backward place.

Oh I dunno they've come on in leaps and bounds since kicking out the decidedly backwards British Empire.

Pity that we let that go.

The activists on that ship got exactly what they wanted: a fight. Idiots.

It's all a bit fishy. Turkey wants in with the Arab world after the EU told them to piss off.

These tragic events seem to have given them just that.

Turkey has been going to Hell in a handbasket for years. They're slowly siding with the fundamentalists and I assume they'll fall away completely within the next decade or two.

The sad thing is they brought some basic human rights laws in place, appologised for the Armenian genocide and did the right thing by Cyprus (none of them a very big deal)

They could have joined the EU and actually grown as a nation. (well certianly got a lot richer)

The refusal has condemned them to joining the rather long list of Middle Eastern failing states.

N.B. reading up on this subject found a hilarious typo.

Turks in Gemrnay are into gang-bang-raping, sounds even worse than gnag rape.

Quote: DaButt @ May 31 2010, 6:16 PM BST

Turkey has been going to Hell in a handbasket for years. They're slowly siding with the fundamentalists and I assume they'll fall away completely within the next decade or two.

Do they not realise the full conseqences of that?

They could be kicked out of Eurovision !

No fair Israel's still there.

It's pretty much the everyone but the US music contest.

Quote: sootyj @ May 31 2010, 6:10 PM BST

It's all a bit fishy.

Yes, I've no idea what the true motives of each side were. Sending in armed commandos is such a provocative act, what did Israel expect to happen? Did they actually hope to get into a fight, to try to 'demonstrate' how violent the activists were? On the other hand, from the footage I saw, the activists were quick to lay into them with iron bars. What did they expect to happen, if they threaten armed commandos? I get the feeling that the Israels were correct to treat this 'flottila' as being very hostile, but actually underestimated just how bad they were. As for the flotilla, God knows; was it a mix of the naive and the sinister?

Lovely word, flotilla.

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