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Doctor Who... Page 500

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 31 2010, 5:41 PM BST

She's Tennant for boys.

I thought Tennant was Tennant for boys?


What happened to the Doomlord avatar, Soots, you only had it a couple of days. Have you started reading the Chap?

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 31 2010, 5:41 PM BST

She's Tennant for boys.

Haha. Lookswise probably! Not talent though.

Quote: zooo @ May 31 2010, 5:52 PM BST

Haha. Lookswise probably! Not talent though.

Hey! She's awesome :P fact

Pffffff. :)
She's alright.

I'm getting a bit pissed off by her black eyebrows - who dyes their eyebrows for godsake - but she's the best assistant for long while.

I haven't noticed her eyebrows!
But I managed, somehow, to have black eyebrows back when I had (naturally) blonde hair, so don't mock the afflicted!

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 31 2010, 5:55 PM BST

I'm getting a bit pissed off by her black eyebrows - who dyes their eyebrows for godsake - but she's the best assistant for long while.

She's okay, but she does scream Positive Role Model For Young Girls.

Except for the jumping on men and only wearing mini skirts.

Quote: zooo @ May 31 2010, 6:00 PM BST

Except for the jumping on men and only wearing mini skirts.

Get with the now, zooo! Get with the now!

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 6:01 PM BST

Get with the now, zooo! Get with the now!

Heh. No wonder you like young girls.

Watching "Doctor Who Confidential, I think the stripey pullovers that Matt and Karen wore on-tour would be better costumes for Dr Who.

;) Whistling nnocently

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 31 2010, 5:52 PM BST


What happened to the Doomlord avatar, Soots, you only had it a couple of days. Have you started reading the Chap?

That's Bob God head avatar of the church of the Subgenius.

Doomlord looked to much like William Hague after a rough night on Hampstead Heath.

Not quite sure why this two-parter has generated such hostility; in principle (if not in detail) there was not a huge amount wrong with the premise or plot. The script could have been sharper, but I increasingly suspect that the problem with this series is the pedestrian direction, there is no sense of jeopardy or horror. As sootyj has identified in another thread, this plodding literalism may be being encouraged by the surfeit of CGI.

The Silurians were a bit disappointing - too human. A big mistake to reveal that the alien face was a mask; and old Stephen Moore is far too warm for a reptile.

I was a little distracted, but did they really say that Silurians escaped underground to escape the impact of an asteroid that turned out to be the Moon?! I cannot begin to list what the scientific problems with that are. And that's before they began talking about hunting apes... Also whoever decided to dub them homo reptilia has a very poor understanding of Linnaen naming conventions.

Not keen on the way the series story arc keeps intruding into individual storylines; the last ten minutes bore no real relation to what had gone before. Glad to be rid of whatsisname though.

The original Silurians were a top bollock set of villains. Imperious, tragic and scary. But this lot were just well kinda dull. To go from the scientists who cuts people up whilst they're alive in one episode to Mr Nicey Nice who likes humans was just dumb writing.

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