British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 498

Quote: chipolata @ May 30 2010, 7:39 PM BST

I'll go with that, but it's shaky. And I'm not sure the Doctor is knowledgable enough about Crack to know that.

I'd off thrown Rory or Amy in test the water first.

Quote: Nogget @ May 30 2010, 7:20 PM BST

and perhaps the destroyed Tardis reformed?

I've not read any speculation on the Tardis-wreck thing. What's all that about, eh? Eh?

I doubt it's been destroyed, Otherwise the Chameloen circuit wouldn't be working, and it would probably lose it's Police box shape..

I reckon it's either a real police box or he put his hand in the BBC props department

Well if it's nothing, wouldn't it be the apropos department?

Laughing out loud

Quote: sootyj @ May 30 2010, 10:36 PM BST

Well if it's nothing, wouldn't it be the apropos department?

Oooh, very good :)

Quote: Nogget @ May 30 2010, 7:17 PM BST

Real men aren't afraid to talk like that. Only closet gays would avoid saying it.

Would you avoid saying it?


It's been a funny old series. The one I was worried about - Matt Smith - has impressed, while the one I had high hopes for - Moff - has so far disappointed.

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 12:12 PM BST

It's been a funny old series. The one I was worried about - Matt Smith - has impressed, while the one I had high hopes for - Moff - has so far disappointed.

Though his own stories have been very good, I think the four episodes he scripted, ep1 and the angels two parter especially, have been really great; although the whale one had it's fair share of problems. In fact Smith's first episode and the Angels one are two of my favourite Who stories now, up there with the very best. Any episode written by someone else so far hasn't had the same magic, no; he needs to find a person or two who writes Who as well as he does. It'll be interesting what someone like Neil Gaiman does next year.

And maybe give Paul Cornell, who wrote the wonderful Human Nature two parter, and Robert Shearman, who so far did the superb Dalek episode in series one, and nothing since, another call. I'd certainly have had them ahead of some of the people Moff called up for this run, including some of those who have written WHo stories before.

I agree the Moff episodes have been pretty good, but to me he's disappointed in his role as head writer.

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 12:25 PM BST

I agree the Moff episodes have been pretty good, but to me he's disappointed in his role as head writer.

I'm not sure exactly what he does to other peoples scripts. Obviously he has a hand in rewriting them, and developong them, but at the end of the day it's up to these others to deliver great scripts too. I think it's partly down to the names he has picked to write, he needs to pick a few better, or more interesting people. I think Gaiman next year is a good sign. Perhaps RTD was just better at handling the development of others scripts? Things seem to have reversed, before you were always worried a touch when you knew RTD was the sole writer, nowadays it's when the head writer isn't the main writer that you worry.

There's no doubt that the series so far hasn't quite delivered in the way many hoped after Moffat was announced though.

The series feels vaguely two-dimensional. The Doctor-Amy Pond relationship was established in about episode 2 and hasn't changed or developed at all. And the Crack story hasn't really gone anywhere. We learnt pretty early on what it was and that hasn't changed... It all seems a bit pedestrian.

For all his faults, I think RTD orchestrated his series better, and built towards the climax more effectively.

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 12:43 PM BST

For all his faults, I think RTD orchestrated his series better, and built towards the climax more effectively.

I think Moffat has done much better with this years running story. The crack stuff for me at least has been very interesting, in both this weeks and the angels one it really made me sit up and took the story up a notch. In RTD's reign, the running story was dealt with by some one just saying 'Torchwood' or 'Bad Wolf' every week, which is rubbish.

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 12:43 PM BST

The series feels vaguely two-dimensional. The Doctor-Amy Pond relationship was established in about episode 2 and hasn't changed or developed at all.

That's the main problem, in my opinion.

Quote: chipolata @ May 31 2010, 12:43 PM BST

The series feels vaguely two-dimensional. The Doctor-Amy Pond relationship was established in about episode 2 and hasn't changed or developed at all.

RTD was cerainly a more emotional writer, interested in wringing emotion and developing the characters; this was something that many complained about. Now that it appears Moffat does much less of it, you get the same people complaining about the lack of it! I'm not saying you Chip, just something I've noticed. Many are complaining about the lack of something In Moffats writing that they actually complained about being in RTD's writing at all!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 31 2010, 12:46 PM BST

'Torchwood' or 'Bad Wolf' every week, which is rubbish.

Bad wolf was a good one. Subtle at first then cock smackingly obvious by end. Torchwood one was a bit shit. They almost stopped and looked at the camera when they said "TORCHWOOD!!!!"

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