British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 495

Amy was a bit annoying today.
The Doctor was pretty good though.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 30 2010, 12:44 AM BST

I'm not sure myself and Godot have ever agreed on anything, and long may it continue.

Don't say that! What if he agrees with you?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 30 2010, 12:44 AM BST

I'm not sure myself and Godot have ever agreed on anything, and long may it continue.

Is Godot the mirror mirror Stott?

Quote: Badge @ May 30 2010, 12:46 AM BST

Don't say that! What if he agrees with you?

Then the universe explodes, and all that's left is me and Godot, melted into one being, trying to pinch each other to see who can make the other yelp the loudest.

It would be you I suspect.

Quote: sootyj @ May 30 2010, 12:48 AM BST

It would be you I suspect.

Godot wouldn't want to show that kind of weakness, so would bite his lip to hold in the noise. I'd just scream. A scream that would echo around the void, bouncing off the debris of exploded planets.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 30 2010, 12:49 AM BST

. A scream that would echo around the void, bouncing off the debris of exploded planets.

Cut yourself flossing again?

Quote: zooo @ May 30 2010, 12:45 AM BST

The Doctor was pretty good though.

The closest zooo will ever come to saying "David who?"

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 30 2010, 12:34 AM BST

Watched the Sea Devils again recently, bloody dull, I think I actually preferred the Davison adventure, Warriors From The Deep...

No danger! The original The Sea Devils has Pertwee famously stating that he reversed the polarity of the neutron flow, as he and the Master escape from the sea devils' undersea lair. And the Master watches the Clangers on TV! Cf. John Sim watching the Teletubbies. Delgado and Pertwee are always superior to Davison and Ainley (and Tennant/Sim).

Quote: Kenneth @ May 30 2010, 4:17 AM BST

No danger! The original The Sea Devils has Pertwee famously stating that he reversed the polarity of the neutron flow, as he and the Master escape from the sea devils' undersea lair. And the Master watches the Clangers on TV! Cf. John Sim watching the Teletubbies. Delgado and Pertwee are always superior to Davison and Ainley (and Tennant/Sim).

There were nice bits, but I just found it a bit dull, really.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 30 2010, 10:06 AM BST

There were nice bits, but I just found it a bit dull, really.

Yes, perhaps it should have had a Myrka to make it more exciting. But nay; I mean, there's Stuart Fell's backflipping Sea Devil! I haven't seen the new Sea Devils episode yet (I think it airs tonight - right now actually - in Oz, if it's the one following Venice?). Does it contain Sea Devils doing backflips? Or am I mistaken - is there just a new Silurians episode, no Sea Devils?

Oh dear, no Silurians or Sea Devils tonight. It's Amy's Choice, which I just turned off during the first minute on account of Matt Smith's Tennant-esque delivery of the line "Look at you! You've swallowed a planet!" I don't think much of this glib bubbly bollocks. Matt Smith could be so good - but why is he carrying on as if he's Tennant?

Quote: Kenneth @ May 30 2010, 10:43 AM BST

Matt Smith could be so good - but why is he carrying on as if he's Tennant?

Smith is great, I don't think he's too much like Tennant at all. If he says a line in a similar way, which will of course happen, he's not copying him.

Quote: Kenneth @ May 30 2010, 10:43 AM BST

Yes, perhaps it should have had a Myrka to make it more exciting. But nay; I mean, there Stuart Fell's backflipping Sea Devil! I haven't seen the new Sea Devils episode yet (I think it airs tonight -right now actually - in Oz, if it's the one following Venice?). Does it contain Sea Devils doing backflips?

Well, there are no Sea Devils in the new one. The Myrka was pants, but I still seemed to enjoy that story more than the Sea Devils. An old woman trying to kung-fu kick a big monster was just so funny! I know that bit is crap, etc, but, you know, it was funny.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 30 2010, 10:46 AM BST

Smith is great, I don't think he's too much like Tennant at all.

A carbon copy, alas. Clearly Smith is better looking and a superior actor, but the acting style is way too similar. There's no need for him to carry on like an over-the-top fauxmosexual. I'll turn the telly one again, but if it doesn't improve I will force myself to watch David Lynch's film of Frank Herbert's Dune.

Quote: Kenneth @ May 30 2010, 10:52 AM BST

A carbon copy, alas.

I wouldn't say so, not at all. He feels really quite different to me. Authentically odd.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 30 2010, 10:55 AM BST

I wouldn't say so, not at all. He feels really quite different to me. Authentically odd.

He could be great, but it seems to me he is acting too much like Tennant, possibly because the show remains enveloped by the same atmosphere of namby-pamby dross. Ecclestone's year remains the best of New Who. Incidentally, Amy's Choice had an interesting idea (switching between dreams), which should have been expanded on to the point of ludicrously shocking, but it was kept in lame mode and therefore sucked.

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