British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 489

But it still needs resonance.

I read a great article by Rodenberry about how on StarTrek the crew should always act like it was a naval ship. That way however outlandish the aliens there'd be an identifiable baseline for the audience.

In the same Buffy was always a regular girl, with boyfriend, homework issues etc.

Quote: sootyj @ May 28 2010, 11:43 PM BST

But it still needs resonance.

I read a great article by Rodenberry about how on StarTrek the crew should always act like it was a naval ship. That way however outlandish the aliens there'd be an identifiable baseline for the audience.

In the same Buffy was always a regular girl, with boyfriend, homework issues etc.

Yeah, but I don't see any problem with saying something is time locked, saying it's been taken out of time, anyone can understand that concept even if it is essentially balls.

Quote: sootyj @ May 28 2010, 11:43 PM BST

I read a great article by Rodenberry about how on StarTrek the crew should always act like it was a naval ship. That way however outlandish the aliens there'd be an identifiable baseline for the audience.

I always wondered why Kirk had a Parrot on his shoulder in the first series.

I have previously stated my disike for this programme (my wife insists on watching it)but....

Is it just me or has this new Doctor based his look on George McFly?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 28 2010, 11:46 PM BST

Yeah, but I don't see any problem with saying something is time locked, saying it's been taken out of time, anyone can understand that concept even if it is essentially balls.

Because they don't have to say it. If you have a problem don't draw attention to it. The Daleks versus the Time Lords in the Time Wars. What was all that about? It's like someone inheriting the Robin Hood TV show and saying I know let's have a black Friar Tuck - it's never going to happen is it. Doctor Who should be like a listed building - you can't go painting it pink and sticking a tin roof on it. :)

Quote: Marc P @ May 29 2010, 10:43 AM BST

It's like someone inheriting the Robin Hood TV show

Poor bastards.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 29 2010, 12:04 AM BST

I always wondered why Kirk had a Parrot on his shoulder in the first series.

It was the daily allowance of grog, the lashing of Yeoman Rand and the buggery of Sulu was the give away for me.

Quote: Marc P @ May 29 2010, 10:43 AM BST

Because they don't have to say it. If you have a problem don't draw attention to it. The Daleks versus the Time Lords in the Time Wars. What was all that about? It's like someone inheriting the Robin Hood TV show and saying I know let's have a black Friar Tuck - it's never going to happen is it. Doctor Who should be like a listed building - you can't go painting it pink and sticking a tin roof on it. :)

That's a little diferent. And the Daleks have been at war with the Timelords through out the series's, infact it was Tom Baker's Dr who was ordered to genocidally wipe them out before they were created.

And frankly f**king Robin Hood has had enough Bassett's taken that a black Tuck is no less ridiculous then him wearing a hoody, boffing Marian and being some sort of magic spirit with Timotei hair.

Quote: sootyj @ May 29 2010, 11:21 AM BST

That's a little diferent. And the Daleks have been at war with the Timelords through out the series's, infact it was Tom Baker's Dr who was ordered to genocidally wipe them out before they were created.


Quote: Marc P @ May 29 2010, 10:43 AM BST

Because they don't have to say it. If you have a problem don't draw attention to it. The Daleks versus the Time Lords in the Time Wars. What was all that about?

The Timelords vs the Daleks isn't something out of the blue, it's entirely in keeping with what has gone on in the classic series.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 29 2010, 11:30 AM BST


The Timelords vs the Daleks isn't something out of the blue, it's entirely in keeping with what has gone on in the classic series.

But 1 Time Lord can destroy the daleks with 1 Tardis forever. Why did a war ever happen? What threat do the Daleks pose to masters of time really?

Quote: Gavin @ May 29 2010, 11:37 AM BST

But 1 Time Lord can destroy the daleks with 1 Tardis forever. Why did a war ever happen? What threat do the Daleks pose to masters of time really?

The Daleks also had time travel capability. Plus, well, if you shoot a Time Lord, he can die, they're not immortal or anything. We don't know exactly how the Doctor did it, it hasn't been explained, probably never will be, I don't see a problem with that. And I assumed the war happened because either the Daleks decided to wage war on the Time Lords in ther quest to be the ultimate masters of the universe, or the Time Lords threw the firt punch as they decided to finally get rid of the Daleks, something they had tried to do before, even attempting in one story to stop their very creation.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 29 2010, 11:41 AM BST

The Daleks also had time travel capability. Plus, well, if you shoot a Time Lord, he can die, they're not immortal or anything. We don't know exactly how the Doctor did it, it hasn't been explained, probably never will be, I don't see a problem with that. And I assumed the war happened because either the Daleks decided to wage war on the Time Lords in ther quest to be the ultimate masters of the universe, or the Time Lords threw the firt punch as they decided to finally get rid of the Daleks, something they had tried to do before, even attempting in one story to stop their very creation.

He survived cause it was convient.

Yeh Baker had the chance to stop them once and for all, and because the Doctor is a child he didn't do it. All it would of taken is a Time Lord with a pair to go and finish the job. No time locking bollocks then. Plus aren't Time Lords meant to be able to see all of time and possibilities? I'm sure I heard that mentioned in an episode. Well the Daleks flying a fleet up their ass is a pretty big miss :P

Any way an discuss it til blue in the face, but all can agree Amy Pond is fine.

Quote: Gavin @ May 29 2010, 11:50 AM BST

He survived cause it was convient.

Yeh Baker had the chance to stop them once and for all, and because the Doctor is a child he didn't do it.

In real life, there is evidence of the biggest villains being allowed to survive, in order to prevent a larger threat forming. Take the Romans and the way they allowed Attila the Hun to escape.

Ah but how many timelocked events are the Daleks involved in? e.g. moments that must happen.

I mean beating the Daleks is one thing, destroying the universe another.

Quote: sootyj @ May 29 2010, 12:03 PM BST

Ah but how many timelocked events are the Daleks involved in? e.g. moments that must happen.

I mean beating the Daleks is one thing, destroying the universe another.

That whole "moments that must happen" is poppi cock. And Davros if he was that mental and intent of destorying the universe why not go bad and shoot Roses dad before he concieved her. Because as we know he's "Time Locked" so doing him in early would end everything.

Gavin you are starting to sound like a Target Book written by Chris Ryan.

Operation Dalek f**k?

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