British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 136

They're building the first purpose-built Formula 1 racetrack 75 miles up the road from me in Austin. The first race will be held in 2012.


They're going build a 13-story mosque next to the former site of the twin towers in New York. Talk about being insensitive ...

Why is that insensitive?

Quote: sootyj @ May 26 2010, 3:22 PM BST

Why is that insensitive?

The Muslim's asked for sixteen storeys.

Quote: sootyj @ May 26 2010, 3:22 PM BST

Why is that insensitive?

For the same reason it would be insensitive to erect a Nazi party headquarters building next to Auschwitz or a KKK monument next to MLK's grave.

A religious movement with a billion or so members stretching from the ultra liberal sufists to the hardline islamists. Is a little diferent from political parties with only racist ideologies.

Quote: sootyj @ May 26 2010, 5:30 PM BST

A religious movement with a billion or so members stretching from the ultra liberal sufists to the hardline islamists. Is a little diferent from political parties with only racist ideologies.

You're deluding yourself if you think they chose that location randomly and for peaceful purposes. They want to build a towering mosque right at the site of their "glorious achievement." They can f**k right off as far as I'm concerned.

Good catch.

Quote: zooo @ May 26 2010, 6:20 PM BST

Good catch.

Bloody paedo. Luring kids into his arms.

I think he's ace. I might hire him to follow me around, just in case.

Quote: zooo @ May 26 2010, 6:20 PM BST

Good catch.

Good catch, bad parenting and a Darwin Award-worthy performance by the kid.

I'm always too impatient to use the downward escalator too.

Quote: DaButt @ May 26 2010, 6:41 PM BST

Good catch, bad parenting and a Darwin Award-worthy performance by the kid.

All very true.

Quote: DaButt @ May 26 2010, 5:44 PM BST

You're deluding yourself if you think they chose that location randomly and for peaceful purposes. They want to build a towering mosque right at the site of their "glorious achievement." They can f**k right off as far as I'm concerned.

It's 0.3-0.5 miles away how far should the Mosque free zone of respect stretch?
One mile or a 100 miles? How about a continent?

If a German or a national socialist movement wanted to build a museum of tolerance/respect which was about accepting responsibility for their actions near Aushwitz. Then fine. If it was to celebrate the Holocaust then no.

This is a liberal Muslim group interested in interfaith relationsthat's respected within the Jewish and Christian community. Grief is important and should be respected. It shouldn't be policy.

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