British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 487

Quote: Badge @ May 24 2010, 10:44 PM BST


No, they are supposed to be dead. The Time Lords you saw in that finale were about to be time locked and about to all die; the whole gubbins with The Master was a way of cheating that and escaping the Time lock and thier death.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ May 24 2010, 11:01 PM BST


I've got it on good authority that the Time Lords are not dead anyway. The Doctor just thinks they are because he's in Purgatory.

He's going to go to heaven in the final episode.

Laughing out loud

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 24 2010, 12:04 PM BST

Over reliance on the sonic screwdriver

Indeed. I just watched the quasi-vampires episode and was slightly dismayed to see the Doctor effortlessly enter the baddies' domain with a swish of the sonic screwdriver. Couldn't he use his brain and cunning to get through whatever barriers he faces? Moffat should have killed off the sonic screwdriver in Matt Smith's first episode. Or at least he could limit its use to once every three stories.

And dialogue desperately trying to be curtly hip such as "Don't go there" should stay in the Tennant era. I grimly await the time when someone in New Who says: "You go girl".

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 24 2010, 12:04 PM BST

And why do they persist with this bollocks of the Doctor being the last of his race.

This also irks me. A good adventure yarn need not have a protagonist beset by sentimental angst. People can watch stupid reality shows if they want phony emotional guff rammed down their throats. Speaking of reality shows, I think the host of The Amazing Race shows up in Sylvester McCoy's The Curse of Fenric*, which is vastly superior to the first McCoy episode that I watched X-many years ago. So apologies to Matthew Stott for suggesting the McCoy era was complete rubbish.

* Here we are:

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 24 2010, 11:01 PM BST

No, they are supposed to be dead.

What about Romana II, eh? Last we saw of her, she was in E-Space with K9 and the Tharils (not counting Dimensions in Time and a few novels). It would be nice if Lalla Ward would come back.

Quote: Kenneth @ May 24 2010, 11:47 PM BST

Speaking of reality shows, I think the host of The Amazing Race shows up in Sylvester McCoy's The Curse of Fenric*, which is vastly superior to the first McCoy episode that I watched X-many years ago. So apologies to Matthew Stott for suggesting the McCoy era was complete rubbish.

Ah! Fenric is one of my favourite Who stories. What other McCoy ones have you seen? I would recommend Ghost Light, or Remembrance Of The Daleks as two others worth checking out. (I've just noticed that all three of those are set in the past too, maybe the fact the BBC does the past so well helped sell these stories more??)To me, the McCoy era was tainted for many by a terrible first series and the fact he was the Doctor when the show was cancelled. His final two years had a lot of good stuff in it. And some cack stuff too, yes; but which series of Who doesn't?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 25 2010, 9:26 AM BST

Ah! Fenric is one of my favourite Who stories. What other McCoy ones have you seen? I would recommend Ghost Light, or Remembrance Of The Daleks as two others worth checking out.

I only watched his first story when broadcast on TV and then the beginning of the second (I think) and gave up as it all seemed a bit infantile. Recently bought Fenric, as all of the McCoy era Who DVDs were very heavily discounted at one store (as were the Troughton DVDs). Will likely get those you mention from the library.

Quote: Kenneth @ May 25 2010, 1:54 PM BST

I only watched his first story when broadcast on TV and then the beginning of the second (I think) and gave up as it all seemed a bit infantile.

Ah yes, that first series is cack, it improves (in my opinion) immesurably from the first story of his second series with the wonderful Daleks story. It feels like a different show, and McCoy starts being good. There are still turds floating by (e.g.Silver Nemisis) but it was muuuuuuuuch better.

McCoy is my favourite Doc, so I am biased, but I think his run is unfairly maligned. Those final two series are as good as the show ever was, to me. It's a shame no one was watching.

Quote: Kenneth @ May 24 2010, 11:47 PM BST

Moffat should have killed off the sonic screwdriver in Matt Smith's first episode. Or at least he could limit its use to once every three stories.

And dialogue desperately trying to be curtly hip such as "Don't go there" should stay in the Tennant era. I grimly await the time when someone in New Who says: "You go girl".

The fact that he didn't indicates that he doesn't really understand what made the show work in the past. He's already repeating some of RTDs mistakes. It's not good really. In fact the only real improvement over what's gone before is in the new doctor and assistant. Everything else is either about the same or worse (titles).

Quote: Kenneth @ May 24 2010, 11:47 PM BST

This also irks me. A good adventure yarn need not have a protagonist beset by sentimental angst. People can watch stupid reality shows if they want phony emotional guff rammed down their throats.

Since he introduced the concept of the 'Last Great Time War' in his first episode, It would seem that RTD was giving himself a story arc that he could use to span his entire era and tie it up at the end. The over-arching narrative is certainly fashionable in TV at the moment but I don't like it or want it and I'm NOT waiting with baited breath to see what the Moffat version is. Hopefully not the f**king 'crack'.

Oh I'd forgotten about the crack.
They must not have mentioned it for 5 minutes. :)

(Was it mentioned in the last two episodes?)

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 25 2010, 2:03 PM BST

McCoy is my favourite Doc, so I am biased, but I think his run is unfairly maligned. Those final two series are as good as the show ever was, to me. It's a shame no one was watching.

I'm afraid you're remembering it through unworldly, uncritical eyes, Matt. If the show had only ever been has good as the last two McCoy seasons it wouldn't have made it out of the Troughton era.

There's only one good McCoy story - Ghostlight.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 25 2010, 3:35 PM BST

I'm afraid you're remembering it through unworldly, uncritical eyes, Matt. If the show had only ever been has good as the last two McCoy seasons it wouldn't have made it out of the Troughton era.

There's only one good McCoy story - Ghostlight.

In your opinion, obviosuly not in mine. I like several of his stories. I realise you don't find the idea possible.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 25 2010, 3:31 PM BST

I don't like it or want it


Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 25 2010, 3:31 PM BST

The fact that he didn't indicates that he doesn't really understand what made the show work in the past.

Where as all of us do?

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 25 2010, 3:31 PM BST

The fact that he didn't indicates that he doesn't really understand what made the show work in the past. He's already repeating some of RTDs mistakes. It's not good really. In fact the only real improvement over what's gone before is in the new doctor and assistant. Everything else is either about the same or worse (titles).

I don't think he can be blamed for sticking to what seems to have been working for the last four series, at least until he finds his feet. I don't think it's something that can be realistically judged until we see what he does in the long run.

Has he said how long he plans on staying?

Quote: Afinkawan @ May 25 2010, 3:47 PM BST

I don't think he can be blamed for sticking to what seems to have been working for the last four series,

Quite. But you will always have fans, or at least viewers, who seem to be able to pinpoint exactly what is 'wrong' and how to improve things. We all know better than those fools making the show, right? Unimpressed

Quote: zooo @ May 25 2010, 3:47 PM BST

Has he said how long he plans on staying?

No, but I would imagine at least three series. If it's still going of course.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 25 2010, 3:51 PM BST

No, but I would imagine at least three series. If it's still going of course.

Hate people flitting in and out of things.

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