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Doctor Who... Page 485

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 24 2010, 12:04 PM BST

Meera Syal cannot act and should not be on TV.

There was a lot of unconvincing acting in that episode, from her, the old geezer, and strangely, from Amy.

It was a duffer of a script and no doubt.

I suppsoe the good news is looks like they were saving for an all out blow out next week.

Quote: sootyj @ May 24 2010, 12:16 PM BST

It was a duffer of a script and no doubt.

I suppsoe the good news is looks like they were saving for an all out blow out next week.

But considering what obscenity Amy is facing, the question reamins; is there going to be an anal probe gag?

Quote: Nogget @ May 24 2010, 12:21 PM BST

an anal probe gag

I'm sure you can buy those.

Quote: Nogget @ May 24 2010, 12:21 PM BST

But considering what obscenity Amy is facing, the question reamins; is there going to be an anal probe gag?

She's already soiled herself.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 24 2010, 12:04 PM BST

And why do they persist with this bollocks of the Doctor being the last of his race. Who dreamed this idea up? I have heard it several times now. He isn't.

? But, he is, isn't he?? I thought that was the whole thing with the Time War, and so on, that he now thinks he's the last. I dare say The Master, or whoever, will pop up somehow again, but as far as things go, The Doctor is now supposed to be the last.

Have you not watched all of the modern series, so don't know about the Time War, and all that sort of business? It's been there since the show came back.

Godot, as cynical and entertaining as you can be on this thread, do you really think you know more about the story than the producer/people involved in making it who are sad Who obsessives and whose full time job it is to get it right?
I highly doubt they have 'by mistake' gone and made him say he's the last when he isn't/isn't supposed to think he is.

I would very much like to see the Timelords explained and clarified. Who exactly they were? What they did? And what the Time Wars were? And why is the Doctor the last of them?

Quote: chipolata @ May 24 2010, 1:42 PM BST

And why is the Doctor the last of them?

That was explained. Big Time War, affecting more than just Time Lords and Daleks, to stop it the Doctor ended up basically destroying both races.

Quote: chipolata @ May 24 2010, 1:42 PM BST

I would very much like to see the Timelords explained and clarified. Who exactly they were? What they did?

I dunno, explaining too much is never a good thing; what's wrong with a bit of mystery?

From the Wikipaedia:

'The last great Time War is first alluded to in the first episode of the 2005 series, Rose.'

It's just something Russell Davies made up. It is entirely in tune with his style of programme making in which the show is all orgasm and no foreplay. I.E. every episode ends in a huge cataclysmic explosion which threatens to destroy the 'entire galaxy' rather than a single planet or perhaps even (perish the thought) a small building or one person. Latterly he extended this to include 'the whole of reality' in one memorably awful episode.

The programme makers have an obligation to not tinker with the nuts and bolts of the programme too much as it is long running, well loved and the collective effort of literally thousands of talented people.

Killing off the whole Time Lord race just so you can have a free pathos injection at the flick of switch is not acceptable.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 24 2010, 1:48 PM BST

It's just something Russell Davies made up.

Well, yes, that's what writers do. What's the problem with that? Maybe you don't like the decision, but there's nothing wrong with it per se.

As they write the show, they can do whatever they want. I don't see why the Time Lords now being dead is in any way a bad thing?

And as you say, the new lot could bring them back if they want, that would be their perfectly valid decision.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 24 2010, 1:48 PM BST

The programme makers have an obligation to not tinker with the nuts and bolts of the programme too much as it is long running, well loved and the collective effort of literally thousands of talented people.

I don't really understand this. The Time Lords were never an overt or major presence in the show; and most episodes featuring them, not that there were that many, were hardly great. I don't understand why deciding to kill off his home world is in any way disrespectful to the people who worked on the show before?

All the nuts and bolts of what is vital to the show are all there still.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 24 2010, 1:46 PM BST

That was explained. Big Time War, affecting more than just Time Lords and Daleks, to stop it the Doctor ended up basically destroying both races. I dunno, explaining too much is never a good thing; what's wrong with a bit of mystery?

Nowt. It just all seems a bit MacGuffiny at times.

My problem with this last of the time lords baloney is that he plainly isn't. There's the Master. And loads more in the Tennant finale... though as I've tried to put that out of my head they might all have been killed I suppose. In any case it's boring and over-played.

It's hardly been overplayed this season, has it? Hardly been mentioned.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ May 24 2010, 2:01 PM BST

It's hardly been overplayed this season, has it? Hardly been mentioned.

Fairly heavily in the space whale story and the latest one. Anyway, it doesn't make sense. If your race can travel through time you can't ever be the 'last' of them.

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