British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 473

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 16 2010, 7:22 AM BST

I am lost for words.

Makes a change. Unimpressed

I'm developing a bit of a theory that Matt Smith is so much better than the last two. Is that the other two were more "actors." Where as the Dr has always been played by "characters." So Ecclestone and Tennant were forever trying to emote and do meaning with farting SLitheen, or magic Dalek erasing buttons and Irish space cats.

When on the rare occaison a really good straight scifi script got through. They really went for it and were fantastic.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ May 16 2010, 12:30 PM BST

I notice there was another reference to the Doc banging Elizabeth I last night. Got me thinking... I wonder what the Doctor's wang is like? I mean, is it like a normal man's wang, or is it sonic or something?

Stott, answers please.

According to my darling little brother "If people say that men's hearts are in their cocks, the Doctor must have two".

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 16 2010, 2:54 PM BST

According to my darling little brother "If people say that men's hearts are in their cocks, the Doctor must have two".

He doesn't sound like a typical member of the Scatters family.

Finally watched this weeks episode, really liked it. Very tight episode, lots of lovely weird bits, the Dream Lord was ace, it was funny; one of the strongest of a strong series. Loving Rory too, a great addition. I wonder if the Dream Lord thing, whether it was The Doctor himself or not, will appear again at some point. When he looked at his reflection at the end and saw the Dream Lord reflected back, it seemed to suggest so, though I'm probably reading too much into that.

Quote: Marc P @ May 15 2010, 10:45 PM BST

Maybe but enough with the teeth already.

They didn't have nasty teeth in this ep though? Just the mouth eye willies.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 16 2010, 4:07 PM BST

They didn't have nasty teeth in this ep though? Just the mouth eye willies.

What about next week!

Quote: Marc P @ May 16 2010, 4:36 PM BST

What about next week!

Lizardy people, they probably will have teeth of some sort, yes! :D

This series of Doctor Who actually has quite a reactionary undercurrent. Earth - and especially Britain - seems to be the destination of choice for aliens suffering in their homeland. And once here they're dangerous and have to be driven out or destroyed by old Doctor BNP.

Quote: chipolata @ May 16 2010, 5:12 PM BST

This series of Doctor Who actually has quite a reactionary undercurrent. Earth - and especially Britain -

Apart from Venice last week.

I thought the direction of this weeks ep was a bit ordinary considering the material; some more interesting choices could have been made.

Quote: chipolata @ May 16 2010, 5:12 PM BST

This series of Doctor Who actually has quite a reactionary undercurrent. Earth - and especially Britain - seems to be the destination of choice for aliens suffering in their homeland. And once here they're dangerous and have to be driven out or destroyed by old Doctor BNP.

I liked John P's stuff, before my time obviously but from studying docos Who was stranded on Earth and was said so which is better, in that it is established.

Does anyone know if this series is influenced by Byron poems? There seems to be some connections but perhaps I'm just imagining things.

We wondered about Classical and Biblical stuff. Like, the stone angels are Medusa-fied-esque, Rory cuts off his hair, they all turn to sand/salt, and various other strange conjectures.

Well, my family survived the weeping angels episodes with only one bad dream.
On a side note, my daughter doesn't like the new Doctor. She says he makes her stomach hurt...I have no idea what that means either.

Maybe she meant her eyes.


She maybe just misses David? Did she like him?

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 16 2010, 10:35 PM BST

We wondered about Classical and Biblical stuff. Like, the stone angels are Medusa-fied-esque, Rory cuts off his hair, they all turn to sand/salt, and various other strange conjectures.

I just wondered because in Byron's: On The Death Of A Young Lady - it mentions weeping angels. There is also a poem called The Dream which had some similarites to this weeks episode, at least to me it felt that way.

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