British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 472

I thought it was a hell of a lot more interesting than last week's, and there was plenty to enjoy; it's nice to see malevolent old folk taking the place traditionally occupied by zombies. I didn't guess that the Dreamlord was the Doctor, despite all the clues, so either I'm stupid, or it was a good bit of storytelling. I liked the parallel between it being Sophie's choice in men, and in dreamstates; and I'm sure more could have been made of that, had time permitted. The Dreamlord was a great character, and his cynical comments were choice, when we realise that they are the Doctor's own dark thoughts.

However, I'm sure I'm not alone in having guessed early on that both worlds would be dreams, and I thought the psychic pollen explanation tagged on the end wasn't a completely satisfying explanation for questions like why they were all having the same dream, at the same timme, and just why this was the Doctor's dark dream (he wants Sophie to choose him, in his darkest dreams?), and 'stuff'. Maybe if they'd had more time, they could have flagged the pollen thing earlier and made it more integral to the plot, instead of it just being a glib ending.

So on balance, pretty good, but could have been brilliant.

It was worth it just for the sight of an old lady wielding a flymo as a weapon. That said, next week's looks a bit by the numbers.

I liked it, sharply cut, story from character and the whole thing was just so damn neat.

I do like the way this season takes the piss out of Who's hammier more dated elements.

Just watched the dreams ep.

I'm finding it difficult to imagine David Tennant as the Doctor now. The RTD years seem even more distant, camp and pointless the longer this excellent current series runs.

That said, I thought the "pollen" ending was bollocks.

I think that will be revisted and the Dr was fibbing....

The Dream Lord was way to good for a one shot.

Maybe he's the Valyard or the Murkha, or a giant cock monster>?

Well, I really liked it. Always good to see Toby Jones on TV to.

I wasn't bowled over will watch it again though.

Quote: billwill @ May 16 2010, 3:35 AM BST

Must be quite a few grandkids watching & saying ooooh look, Grandma (or Grandad) is on the telly in Doctor Who.

They'll never want to go aroiund for tea at their grandparents again.


Ha! Good point.

I notice there was another reference to the Doc banging Elizabeth I last night. Got me thinking... I wonder what the Doctor's wang is like? I mean, is it like a normal man's wang, or is it sonic or something?

Stott, answers please.

Maybe it's wonky, like his face.

(Sorry, Matt Smith. You're alright really, like.)

Is he handsome? He clearly thinks he is, else his dark alter ego wouldn't have referred to it.

Quote: chipolata @ May 16 2010, 12:35 PM BST

He clearly thinks he is, else his dark alter ego wouldn't have referred to it.

Ha! Oh yeah.

I'm sure lots of people fancy him, and he's very nice and charismatic all that. But I wouldn't describe him as handsome.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ May 16 2010, 12:30 PM BST

... I wonder what the Doctor's wang is like? I mean, is it like a normal man's wang, or is it sonic or something?

Stott, answers please.

It's bigger on the inside.

Now that's a concept.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 16 2010, 12:41 PM BST

It's bigger on the inside.

As cock-based magic powers go, that one's pretty lame.

Cool for the sperms though. Swimming pool and all that...

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