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Quote: zooo @ May 11 2010, 10:20 PM BST



Peruvian anti-riot police.
Coolest uniform ever. Fact.

Aaron's going to need to spend big for your next date.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 12 2010, 11:01 AM BST

Today is Nurses' Day, and most of you here will know that my mum is a nurse, hence me mentioning this. So if any of you know someone who's a nurse, or have been helped by any nurses in particular, then say a thank you if you can - even if it's just silent - to acknowledge just how tough a job it is, and how much they deserve the praise.

Hurrah for nurses! :)

Quote: chipolata @ May 12 2010, 11:05 AM BST

I don't enjoy drinking socially.
If I drink it's to get drunk. Quickly. Spirits do the trick.

A large house vodka and alcopop du jour kinda thing?

Quote: Marc P @ May 12 2010, 11:14 AM BST

Hurrah for nurses! :)

Yes, my 87 year old nan's just had a major operation and the nurses have all been very nice and done a bang up job of caring for her.
Hats off to them!

Quote: Marc P @ May 12 2010, 11:15 AM BST

A large house vodka and alcopop du jour kinda thing?

I'll meet you outside New Steet for that drink, Mark.
I'll wear a pink carnation. :)


Bloody New Street what is that grim pub just outside the station, I've had a few in there in my time! I don't think it would be wise to wear a pink carnation in there mind.

Quote: Marc P @ May 12 2010, 11:20 AM BST


Bloody New Street what is that grim pub just outside the station, I've had a few in there in my time! I don't think it would be wise to wear a pink carnation in there mind.


There's this one. That's pretty grim!

Seen a few dodgy pubs outside of tube stations like that, I think they only reason they survive is merely due to the fact they're outside well known tube stations.

An interesting financial offer in my inbox today...


£1500 credit with every poo

Laughing out loud

Quote: Chappers @ April 28 2010, 4:37 PM BST

Speckled Hen, TEA (Traditional English Ale), Bombardier, Greene King IPA, Hobgoblin, Victory Ale, Adnams Broadside, London Pride, Young's Special. Shall I go on?

Yes please.

Most of those I love too, but for Bombardier, tastes a little heavy to me, Broadside is not a session ale and London Pride I find a bit too fruity or something, can't remember, anyway it's vastly over rated imo.

I'll add for my tastes, Summer Lightening, all Greene Kings, most Gales, Most Thwaites, All Youngs, Samuel Smith's, most Hogs Backs and many many more at selected pubs and supermarkets.

Quote: Tuumble @ May 12 2010, 3:52 PM BST

An interesting financial offer in my inbox today...


£1500 credit with every poo

You'll be rolling in it.

Thank you I'm here all week!

Always wanted to post in this thread.

Carry on.

Quote: deckard @ May 12 2010, 9:38 PM BST

Always wanted to post in this thread.

Carry on.

Well now you have. Congratulations - and at such an opportune moment too.

Ever thought we might be paying some people too much ?

Quote: Oldrocker @ May 15 2010, 12:09 AM BST

Ever thought we might be paying some people too much ?

I'd buy an early 60s Corvette and pocket the difference if I were him.

As you all know from reading my profile :), I'm a bit of rail enthusiast.

But we're not all a stupid as this idiot !

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