British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 468

Quote: zooo @ May 10 2010, 1:42 PM BST


I've made him many paper mache trophies.

Are they all casts of his wotsit?

Quote: zooo @ May 10 2010, 1:42 PM BST


I've made him many paper mache trophies.

Sex trophies don't count. There are no independent adjudicators willing to confirm your claims.

That audio comp through Big Finish still doesn't seem to have picked a winner, or winners, yet.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 10 2010, 1:48 PM BST

That audio comp through Big Finish still doesn't seem to have picked a winner, or winners, yet.

I probably killed all the judges with my awesome entry. Sorry all.

It's been aaaaaaaaaaaaaages.

We'll probably find out the successful people were informed weeks ago. They're just leaving us losers in the dark.


I just looked at the Big Finish forums, apparently "on the podcast, they said that the 5th Dr. Opportunity submissions have been 'whittled down to 12 finalists', but no one named as of yet."


Not named to the public? Or not named to the finalists themselves? Surely the former.

A good if not great ep on Saturday. Very 7 out of 10.

Matt Smith, however, continues to delight.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ May 10 2010, 2:12 PM BST

A good if not great ep on Saturday. Very 7 out of 10.

Matt Smith, however, continues to delight.

He's very good at the funny isn't he? This episode seems to have received some negative reactions, which suprises me as I thought it was a big ball of fluffy fun. Next weeks looks totally amazing though, very mysterious.

Quote: Gavin @ May 10 2010, 1:37 PM BST

Well that's ridiculous the Sixth Moon of Pan is as barren as Aaron's trophy cabinet.

I understand it looks a bit like a disused quarry.

Quote: zooo @ May 9 2010, 12:04 AM BST

Was it the scary police bloke off Being Human?

I think it was!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 10 2010, 8:50 AM BST

This. As much as some may dislike it, it's played a big part in why the show is a success again.

No. Dr. Who made more money for BBC Enterprises/Worldwide than any other show on TV while it was OFF AIR. The show has a huge fan base and is even admired by people who don't watch it.

It would be a success in almost any form on TV.

Quote: chipolata @ May 10 2010, 8:53 AM BST

In interviews Moffat has said it's cheaper to set stories on earth.

How much did it cost to make Carnival of Monsters? Or Robots of Death? You don't need to spend a lot of money on sets or effects if you have a good idea. Not many of those around it seems - even for moffat.

Quote: Badge @ May 10 2010, 1:27 PM BST

For what it's worth, when I first watched Who the things that I found scary and exciting were shop dummies coming to life, monsters walking out of the sea, and giant maggots. All based on Earth, and that was what made them more real. What are the best episodes of New Who? Blink? The Empty Child? Dalek? Human Nature? Where are they all set?

Whilst I like those Pertwee shows, only one of my favourite stories is set on Earth - Talons of Weng Chiang - and if Moffat and his cronies can knock up something of that quality I'll cut them some slack.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 11 2010, 12:16 AM BST

No. Dr. Who made more money for BBC Enterprises/Worldwide than any other show on TV while it was OFF AIR. The show has a huge fan base and is even admired by people who don't watch it.

It would be a success in almost any form on TV.

This huge fan base, the people buying all the DVDs and books and what not while the show was off air, numbers in the thousands, not the millions. Not many of those were girls either, the show now has a much, much larger female fan base. Like it or not, the way they brought it back, the form it took, worked, and the idea that it would have been as big a success in 'almost any form' is pure speculation that we can't prove one way or the other.

This current run, to my mind, certainly has less of the so called 'soap' elements that some hate, anyway. And the word soap is silly, too. When any other drama has these elements, it's just drama, with Who it's 'soap'.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 11 2010, 12:16 AM BST

How much did it cost to make Carnival of Monsters? Or Robots of Death? You don't need to spend a lot of money on sets or effects if you have a good idea. Not many of those around it seems - even for moffat.

Yes, but they looked exactly what they were, pretty cheap, viewers were much more forgiving back then. Whatever you and I might think, I very much doubt that would cut the mustard these days, a lot of people wouldn't watch.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 11 2010, 12:16 AM BST

How much did it cost to make Carnival of Monsters? Or Robots of Death? You don't need to spend a lot of money on sets or effects if you have a good idea. Not many of those around it seems - even for moffat.

Whilst I like those Pertwee shows, only one of my favourite stories is set on Earth - Talons of Weng Chiang - and if Moffat and his cronies can knock up something of that quality I'll cut them some slack.

The other problem is that those stories were set over several episodes. I'd love to see a Who story across 5 episodes with excellent cliffhangers on each one but no doubt plenty of people would whinge.

That whole crack in time thing is obviously designed as a nod towards an ongoing storyline. Hopefully Moffat will have the guts to do a proper 5 episode storyline when he's comfortable in his Who guru position. What I'd really like to see is a 5 episode Who collaboration between Moffat, Whitehouse & Gatiss. Perhaps with a bit of Garth Ennis thrown in.

Quote: Afinkawan @ May 11 2010, 9:27 AM BST

What I'd really like to see is a 5 episode Who collaboration between Moffat, Whitehouse & Gatiss.

Paul Whitehouse? :D

Either Whitehouse would do :)

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 11 2010, 9:01 AM BST

Yes, but they looked exactly what they were, pretty cheap, viewers were much more forgiving back then. Whatever you and I might think, I very much doubt that would cut the mustard these days, a lot of people wouldn't watch.

To be fair that smoke and weather effect looked like it was an out of the box after effects plugin very poor indeed.

Watched the Vampires one last night. I like Amy, that's pretty much it for this episode. Tune in next week for another indepth review.

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