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General Election 2010 Page 95

Quote: Aaron @ May 6 2010, 7:47 PM BST

Yep. Unless we're getting a '92, everything I've seen is leading me to suspect a small Conserative majority; 20 seems a fair guess.

I like it that way. I don't like these massive wins - it always means the next ten years are already a done deal.

Quote: bigfella @ May 6 2010, 7:55 PM BST

I like it that way. I don't like these massive wins - it always means the next ten years are already a done deal.

True. Very true. It'll be an interesting night, and possibly a very interesting weekend.

Quote: Aaron @ May 6 2010, 7:58 PM BST

True. Very true. It'll be an interesting night, and possibly a very interesting weekend.

All be sorted out by tommorow night I think.

Voted. It was nowhere near as exciting as I expected.

Quote: Aaron @ May 6 2010, 12:30 PM BST

Hussy! Working on Robyn's man. Tut.

Ohhh well!

I wish I'd voted in person now, and am wondering just how long I'll manage to stay awake to watch the proceedings later.

Ok I'll be honest, I didn't even think I had a Polling Card, but I checked through the mail and found it.
I'm getting worried about people saying If you don't vote you can't complain.
I want to complain!
I'll decide who to vote for on the way over.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 6 2010, 8:48 PM BST

I'll decide who to vote for on the way over.

Whoever has a moustache I'd imagine. :D

I voted for a ginger by accident.

Is that legal?

Am I going to prison?

Quote: DaButt @ May 6 2010, 3:00 PM BST

I think that list is missing something that starts with an "i" and ends in a "q."

Woe dude you raped Iraq we just held your beer and cheered you on.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 6 2010, 5:11 AM BST

Godot suggests you vote Labour today.

Here's a list of some of the things Labour has done since they got in. (Note the Tories opposed most of these).

Banned handguns
Banned foxhunting
Banned fur farming and the testing of cosmetics on animals
Introduced a National Minimum Wage and raised it
Re-introduced matrons to hospitals
Introduced NHS Direct
Introduced paternity leave for fathers
Scrapped Clause 28
Introduced Civil Partberships
Lowered the age of consent for gays to 16
Devolved power to the Scottish Parliament
Devolved power to the Welsh Assembly
Restored devolved government to Northern Ireland
Free breast cancer screening for all women aged between 50-70
Free off peak local bus travel for over-60s
Free eye test for over 60s
Free TV licences for over 75s
Free nursery places for every three and four-year-olds
Introduced paid holidays for temps
Re-introduced Mayor and city-wide government for London
Introduced £200 winter fuel payment to pensioners & up to £300 for over-80s
Introduced child tax credit and raised child benefit by 26%
Free entry to Museums and galleries

In 1996 it cost £13.50 for one adult to visit the Natural History Museum in Kensington. £13.50! It's now free.

They also didn't raise VAT. Not once.

VAT was introduced by the Tories in 1973. Thatcher raised it from 8% to 15%. John Major took it up to 17.5% where it has remained. If the Tories get in they will increase it. They have raised it every term since theyintroducedit.

Luckily they won't get in. I predict a Labour majority of 4 seats (ie they lose 48 seats) :P

All reasons why I was bordering on not voting left wing (thank God Cameron is such a blatant cock smoker).

Minimun wage but no meaningful protection for agency workers and a benefits culture that still punishes working.

A 1001 gimicky benefits for olds when tax breaks on personal pensions and a raise for those for facing poverty would help.

Brown loved doling out tax revenue back to those who didn't need it. Including 2 hours in a crappy nursery run by ill educated and frequently abusive staff.

Labor are a shameful ugly shadow of a once mighty party. Bevin wouldn't piss on them.

I hope the Libdems swallow them up whole and the glorious history burys the current shambling mess.

I'm stuggling working out these complex stats for my exit poll.

There is still time to screw me up by PMing me your votes.

Quite an interesting few names on my slip Maragret Hodge, Nick Griffin & Lennox Lewis' old manager Frank Maloney.

If channel 4 is including the Greens it should also have BNP and UKIP.

Arrogant twats.

Just voted. Crossed em all just in case.

I added a box & Voted for the Leevil show.


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