British Comedy Guide

Spandex Ballet

Hi all!

In a shameless piece of self-promotion, I'd love each & every one of you if you gave a video my comedy band created recently a watch. It's not safe for work. Unless you work for the Vice Squad. If you like it, some of our live stuff is on YouTube, too. The song is called "There's Nothing Sexy About Faeces".

Sorry for self-whoring, but nobody else will do it :-)

Spandex Ballet

Moving to General Discussion. If you want people to critique it Leon let me know and I'll move it there.

Thank you, Ellie. "Critique" is a big word for a video about poo, but go for your life :-)

Over to critique then...

"What's sexy about rubbing Deep Heat into a wound on your balls with a picture of your Dad?" is a lyric I shall never forget. :)

Funny song, nice vid. Tad long perhaps? But I liked it.

Thank you. The song is on our album, & wasn't an obvious choice for us to make into a video, but a film maker we know asked to film it, & so we went with it. Currently struggling with all sorts of legal issues with regard to song content for our next choice of video :S

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