British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 461


Quote: zooo @ May 4 2010, 8:43 PM BST

Yeah, for male viewers! If we're looking at it that way, it's been gay for the men, and now it's hetero for the men. Great!

You've got cakes and The Shopping Channel! Bloody wimmin!

Quote: Badge @ May 4 2010, 8:41 PM BST

And none of us has seen it yet, so it might be great! :)

This. I do find it odd that people seem to hope or expect something to be shit! Just wait and watch!

Quote: sootyj @ May 4 2010, 8:37 PM BST

And everything worthwhile saying about them was said by Buffy.

It was? What did it have to say? That vampires are bad?

Buffy is for girls. End of.

Quote: Nil Putters @ May 4 2010, 9:33 PM BST

Buffy is for girls. End of.

Buffy, for me at least, was one hell of an unlikeable character. I'm not sure if it was the character or her performance. And far too many monsters can be defeated by kicking them in the head. Just never got into it really.

If there had been no Buffy I doubt we would ever have seen the Who revival. (Though Who is nowhere near as sharp and clever as Buffy, and Buffy did not do all the ghastly Who schmaltz.)

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 4 2010, 9:35 PM BST

Buffy, for me at least, was one hell of an unlikeable character. I'm not sure if it was the character or her performance. And far too many monsters can be defeated by kicking them in the head.

Matthew Matthew Matthew... Rolling eyes

Quote: Badhead @ May 4 2010, 7:50 PM BST

Back in the day if you said Peter was your favourite doctor you would be laughed at. Most people only rated the first 4. They would say the 5th Doctor was weak. Seams to have changed a bit now.

Part of Who fandom in the UK still regards him as the "wet vet". That was never the attitude in Australia, where Peter Davison was looked on favorably because of his greatness in All Creatures Great and Small and subsequently in A Very Peculiar Practice. The first doctor to be derided was Colin Baker, largely because of his ridiculous costume and Bonnie Langford. And then Sylvester McCoy was reviled because the program had become increasingly infantile (in the eyes of us who had grown up watching Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker). Of course, kids watched Doctor Who back in those days. These days I ask every schoolboy and schoolgirl I meet if they watch Doctor Who. So far, only one sad little specimen of a 10-year-old has said he watches it; all of the others think I'm barmy to recommend the program.

Quote: chipolata @ May 4 2010, 10:23 PM BST

Matthew Matthew Matthew... Rolling eyes

What? Is not liking Buffy bad?? Actually, I don't 'not like' it, just never thought much of it. Certainly much preferred some of Whedon's other work, like Firefly.

Quote: Timbo @ May 4 2010, 10:06 PM BST

If there had been no Buffy I doubt we would ever have seen the Who revival.

I don't see that. I know one of RTDs touchstones for his approach to WHo was Buffy, but I don't think the show itself paved the way for it coming back.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 4 2010, 10:26 PM BST


Wave Yo!

My eldest daughter said today that she didn't understand why they don't just show all the unseen episodes straight away, because after all they're already recorded. Hmm, well let's think, we own the BBC, it's made the programmes, so actually, perhaps she's got a point. It's a bit like you buyiing a stack of DVDs and then only being able to see them one a week.

Quote: Nogget @ May 4 2010, 10:38 PM BST

My eldest daughter said today that she didn't understand why they don't just show all the unseen episodes straight away, because after all they're already recorded. Hmm, well let's think, we own the BBC, it's made the programmes, so actually, perhaps she's got a point.

That's crazy talk!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 4 2010, 8:30 PM BST

Is that the royal we??

As Sooty says, I don't think they are Vampires, from what's been said. But anyway, the shows already done vampires? That was before I was even born! I imagine most of the eight million who will watch haven't even seen that story either. I think it would be okay to do another one!

I was presuming to speak for most people who read this thread. I thought the Doctor Who/Eastenders mashup that was RTD's tenure was generally disliked.

I would imagine at least a third of the current Doctor Who audience is over 35 and they will have seen State of Decay. Ask Kenneth - I bet he's seen it - and sooty - and badge.

The point is 'vampires' - no, Earth - no, boyfriends/family/soapshite - no.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 5 2010, 12:10 AM BST

I was presuming to speak for most people who read this thread. I thought the Doctor Who/Eastenders mashup that was RTD's tenure was generally disliked.

I would imagine at least a third of the current Doctor Who audience is over 35 and they will have seen State of Decay. Ask Kenneth - I bet he's seen it - and sooty - and badge.

The point is 'vampires' - no, Earth - no, boyfriends/family/soapshite - no.

I liked RTD's tenure, in the main. I still watched through the half-arsed cruddy "specials".

And I probably have seen State of Decay though I can't remember it.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 4 2010, 9:35 PM BST

Buffy, for me at least, was one hell of an unlikeable character. I'm not sure if it was the character or her performance. And far too many monsters can be defeated by kicking them in the head. Just never got into it really.

The Buffy in the promo was terrible!

but the one in the series was OK.

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