British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 459

Great ratings! Big time-shift. Deserved.

I watched the two parter back to back and it worked really well even I had already seen the first part once.

I wonder what the rest of the series will be like. I don't think we get another Moffat penned episode till the end now, it'll be interesting to see what kind of quality the other writers will deliver. Especially people like Simon Nye and Richard Curtis.

I am a little worried that big hitters have probably been given a slot without pitching a story. I could be wrong of course but some sort of competition between the 'big' guns could have generated some cracking eps. But I am looking forward to the Doctors song and dance routine with Amy Pond in the bandstand in Richard Curtis's episode.

Quote: Marc P @ May 4 2010, 2:05 PM BST

I am a little worried that big hitters have probably been given a slot without pitching a story.

I hadn't thought of that, but it's probably true that Nye and Curtis didn't really have to pitch, Moffat just asked them if they wanted to. Hmm. I suppose we'll find out!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 4 2010, 2:01 PM BST

Simon Nye

"Cyber-men Behaving Badly"

Quote: Marc P @ May 4 2010, 2:05 PM BST

I am a little worried that big hitters have probably been given a slot without pitching a story. I could be wrong of course but some sort of competition between the 'big' guns could have generated some cracking eps. But I am looking forward to the Doctors song and dance routine with Amy Pond in the bandstand in Richard Curtis's episode.

Have you ever pitched a story to Doctor Who, Marc P?

Quote: chipolata @ May 4 2010, 2:13 PM BST

Have you ever pitched a story to Doctor Who, Marc P?

No I mentioned to one of my agents (did you see what I did there) that I would be interested in writing for Doctor Who and she laughed and then hung up the phone.

I asked one of the writers on the radio series if that was a route to writing Who for television. Apparently not. He seemed to be of the opinion that Moffatt's standing at the Beeb depended on being able to deliver the big names.

Quote: Timbo @ May 4 2010, 6:08 PM BST

I asked one of the writers on the radio series if that was a route to writing Who for television. Apparently not. He seemed to be of the opinion that Moffatt's standing at the Beeb depended on being able to deliver the big names.

Like (no offence meant to him) Simon Nye?! Obviously very succesful writer (And I loooove 'How Do You Want Me?), but I can't imagine he would have been first on most peoples list for Who writers.

I'm sure Moffat got the job on merit.

Am I the only person who think Peter Davison was a very good Doctor?

Quote: Badhead @ May 4 2010, 6:10 PM BST

Am I the only person who think Peter Davison was a very good Doctor?


Of course not!

He's my second favourite.

Quote: zooo @ May 4 2010, 6:15 PM BST

Of course not!

He's my second favourite.

After Matt Smith? Whistling nnocently

Next week's episode looks like hanging bollocks.

Vampires in Renaissance Venice? Yawn. He owns a space and time machine - get him off Earth. The show's already done Vampires in State of Decay and f**k me aren't vampires over exposed at the moment.

It also features Amy's boyfriend - much like the the Tennant stories featured Rose's boyfriend, Mickey. We hated that shit. This is just RTD through the back door. :)

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