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General Election 2010 Page 71

Quote: Aaron @ May 1 2010, 4:45 PM BST

People 'forgot' the pain the country was in at the arse end of the 1970s and elected Labour in 1997. Why is it so wrong for people to 'forget' the previous Conservative administrations? It was a long time ago.


Not to mention that just because the Tories might get back in next week doesn't mean it will end up like it did back in the 80s and early 90s.

Look the fact of the matter is that Labour have outstayed their welcome and it's time for a change of government.

Quote: Aaron @ May 1 2010, 4:42 PM BST

Do you think there'd be another election within the year, or would the plough on for the length of the Parliament, do you think?

It is unchartered teritory, it is in the LibDem interest to make it work, at least until they can force a referendum on parliamentary reform, which is why if they get into bed with anyone it is likely to be Labour - the Tories know that under PR they will be in perpetual opposition, because more than 50% of the electorate despise them. The onus is going to be on the party in Government not to introduce legislation without cross party support. The crunch will come if the party in Government try to push through a measure that the LibDems oppose and the main opposition party then call a vote of no confidence. Big choices for Nick Clegg under that scenario.

Ultimately though there is so little disputed ground between the three main parties that there is no reason why a hung Parliament cannot be made to work. It will empower MPs and should be very healthy for democracy.

Quote: Timbo @ May 1 2010, 5:17 PM BST

It will empower MPs and should be very healthy for democracy.

I'm yet to be convinced. I'm more a subscriber to the months of indecision and inaction hypothesis

Quote: Aaron @ May 1 2010, 5:49 PM BST

I'm yet to be convinced. I'm more a subscriber to the months of indecision and inaction hypothesis

Surely under the Tories "Big Society" policy we'll have to do all the work anyway, so it doesn't matter what the politicians are up to. Or not up to.

I do actually believe a hung parliament will serve them all right for them thieving our money in their expenses claims. Maybe it'll humble them all a bit, and make realise few trust any one party enough.

It may well be how well behaved and ready to make concessions to other parties in a coalition that gets that party the vote at the next election later this year. Most of us have to work with other people in our daily lives, so why shouldn't our govt have a go at it?

I think it does give democracy a shot in the arm. I'm not sure yet if it means weak government, just slower, more complicated govt. maybe, but many countries get on okay all the time with coalitions. Maybe it's time for us to have a taste of it.

Quote: chipolata @ May 1 2010, 6:10 PM BST

Surely under the Tories "Big Society" policy we'll have to do all the work anyway, so it doesn't matter what the politicians are up to. Or not up to.

That's not the point of the "Big Society".

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ May 1 2010, 6:38 PM BST

Most of us have to work with other people in our daily lives, so why shouldn't our govt have a go at it?

When we work with people, they're usually from the same company, not director competitors.

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ May 1 2010, 6:38 PM BST

I think it does give democracy a shot in the arm. I'm not sure yet if it means weak government, just slower, more complicated govt. maybe

You're angry at expenses, but would be happy to pay them to sit around being indecisive and getting nothing done?

Quote: Aaron @ May 1 2010, 7:19 PM BST

That's not the point of the "Big Society".

Nobody knows the point of Big Society, it was so poorly sold. The Tories should thank their lucky stars that Gordon Brown is so unlucky and gaffe-prone, else they might have been more rigorously probed on that particular policy.

It's about giving power to people to organise (and in some cases enact) things, rather than the state taking over all responsibility.

I'm unlikely ever to vote Tory due to my 'deprived' background. I'm also unlikely to vote Labour because I believe they've let the 'workers' down - many of them have the same backgrounds as Tories - fancy schools (Tony effing Blair who went to fancy Fettes), loadsamoney etc. - either that or they're morons who're after a gravy train they'd never have got near if they hadn't joined the party.

At the risk of Aaron issuing a fatwah on me, can I mention the Scottish Parliament example? There's never been a party with an overall majority. We had the Libdems joining with Labour for all the wrong reasons, in my opinion (i.e. desperate for power at any cost). So Labour were able to push through whatever legislation they wanted. The present situation is that the Nationalists are in the minority and NOBODY has formed a coalition, so they can't ride roughshod and force what they want on us. They have to co-operate with the other parties and that's not a bad thing. The Scottish Conservatives took the stance that they'd only vote issue by issue, and they gained my respect for that. If Libdems have any integrity, that's what they'd do too instead of forming a colation just for the sake of power.

As an aside to this, it's time you English fought for an English parliament instead of allowing B****** Brown from Fife to dictate to you.

Of course Scotland gets 10% more funding than the rest of the UK and no real adult decisions to make on defence etc. So frankly I don't know why SNPs turn up. All you need is a computer program to automatically slightly increase your funding for education etc (whilst copying what Westminster does in other ways) to enable your voters to feel 10% superior to the Brits.

Quote: keewik @ May 1 2010, 8:59 PM BST

As an aside to this, it's time you English fought for an English parliament instead of allowing B****** Brown from Fife to dictate to you.

I'd prefer to see your parliaments and assemblies abolished.

Well I still think a few months of minority govt or coalition will do us a lot of good. It may teach our MPs to learn to be good Parliamentarians again. Government is about serving their nation, not themselves, and not their parties. Group rule should help the bastards remember this.

Quote: Aaron @ May 1 2010, 10:50 PM BST

I'd prefer to see your parliaments and assemblies abolished.


Horrific waste of taxes. Local councils are more than capable enough of running decentralised aspects of Government.

Quote: keewik @ May 1 2010, 11:53 PM BST


Well they don't do much other than give Alexander "should be smoked" Salmond airtime. He has the charm of Brown, the sincerity of Cameron and the indefatigability of Galloway.

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