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Doctor Who... Page 457

Quote: zooo @ May 1 2010, 8:48 PM BST

I hate hearing (possible) spoilers. I just heard a weird rumour about something in this series, I won't say what obviously, especially as it was probably made up on the spot!

Laughing out loud

Can someone explain to me how the Angels didn't notice that Amy's eyes were closed but yet they can tell when you're blinking? Major f**king f**k up there.

However the episode was exciting and Moffat has created the first monster to rank with the best of the Classic Who ones, something RTD never did. The Weeping Angels are a terrific creation. Anyone agree with me that the open-armed statue with the serene face is more terrifying than the attacking one with the fangs?

I'm also curious as to why the Eclesiastical Army was dressed in 20th Century British Army desert fatigues. Shouldn't they have had some sort para-military cassock on? And how come the Weeping Angels aren't covered in bird shit?

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 1 2010, 9:11 PM BST

Can someone explain to me how the Angels didn't notice that Amy's eyes were closed but yet they can tell when you're blinking? Major f**king f**k up there.

Too busy, I think The Doctor put it down to. Rolling eyes They weren't fooled for long though, they did realise when she feel over and would've had her had she not teleported out.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ May 1 2010, 9:11 PM BST

And how come the Weeping Angels aren't covered in bird shit?

Laughing out loud

They're looking in a different direction, I think, so they assume you're looking at the cos it's safer or whatever. It should have been explained as whatever in the rift was looking at them, so they couldn't appear as they do really, I think.

And the angels are definitely scarier when serene.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 1 2010, 9:20 PM BST

And the angels are definitely scarier when serene.


Except for that scene in Blink where the bloke was in the house alone and he blinked and the fangy one was suddenly in his face.

Made zooo very nearly have an accident.

Top bollock episode. And I love that RTDs weekly invading bollocks is being written up as a disaster that could destroy the entire universe.

Invading bollocks? From the testicular region? Sounds hairy.

I love the fact that Moffat's unafraid to rapid-fire difficult sciencey-wiency ideas at the viewer. Not just deus ex machina cop-outs, but stuff with a grounding, however tenuous, in proper scientific ideas.

It's beginning to remind me quite a lot of Press Gang, pretty much the only kids' show to not treat us all like idiots when I was a young 'un.

Just watched the Dalek episode with the kiddoes last night. To quote my youngest: That wasn't a scary at all.

Quote: AndreaLynne @ May 2 2010, 7:17 PM BST

Just watched the Dalek episode with the kiddoes last night. To quote my youngest: That wasn't a scary at all.

No, that's a weak episode. Good ones coming up, though.

Quote: AndreaLynne @ May 2 2010, 7:17 PM BST

Just watched the Dalek episode with the kiddoes last night. To quote my youngest: That wasn't a scary at all.

It was certainly the weakest of this series so far in many ways (Still the best Dalek one in ages mind you, which maybe says more about the quality of recent Dalek episodes), but not every episode has to be scary as such. Though he may well poop his pants at what you have coming next.

Yes, I will be watching the Weeping Angels episode alone. I watched Blink on our local PBS station on a very stormy night with my oldest and he still hasn't quite recovered from it.

Quote: AndreaLynne @ May 2 2010, 9:03 PM BST

Yes, I will be watching the Weeping Angels episode alone. I watched Blink on our local PBS station on a very stormy night with my oldest and he still hasn't quite recovered from it.

I'd say this story is even worse in many ways! In many good ways though!

I've just watched the repeat, and the episode jumped up in my estimation. Just brilliant, and I loved the way Moffat is bringing the running thread front and centre in this episode. If you put these first five episodes, up against their respective episode in series four, in some sad, pathetic geek off, this series wins every round. Even if you disliked the Daleks one, you can't surely think the dullness that was Planet Of The Ood was any better. Unless your opinion doesn't exactly match my own, which I understand can happen.

Quote: AndreaLynne @ May 2 2010, 7:17 PM BST

Just watched the Dalek episode with the kiddoes last night. To quote my youngest: That wasn't a scary at all.

I didn't even bother to watch to it, as I don't think I could have handled anything that was worse than the awful space whale episode.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 2 2010, 9:20 PM BST

If you put these first five episodes, up against their respective episode in series four, in some sad, pathetic geek off, this series wins every round. Even if you disliked the Daleks one, you can't surely think the dullness that was Planet Of The Ood was any better. Unless your opinion doesn't exactly match my own, which I understand can happen.

And that trend is bound to continue as eps 6 and 7 of series four were The Doctor's Daughter and The Unicorn and the Wasp.

I kind of remember you bigging up series four at the time though, Matthew? Maybe some sort of crack has sorted that out. ;)

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