British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 454

Quote: Badge @ April 28 2010, 7:48 PM BST

All this debate about episode length and cliffhangers seems a bit odd when we've just had an episode that worked extremely well at 45 minutes and ended on a great cliffhanger.

It did; I think some would just like more two part stories, such as the current one, and fewer 45 min stand alones.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 28 2010, 7:51 PM BST

It did; I think some would just like more two part stories, such as the current one, and fewer 45 min stand alones.

I think cliff hangers are trickier to sell to the public. If people miss the first part, they'll miss the second part. Then, before you know it, suddenly they've lost the habit of watching the show altogether. Not everybody is as interested in Doctor Who as us (you especially, Stott) and watch it far more casually.

Quote: chipolata @ April 28 2010, 7:54 PM BST

I think cliff hangers are trickier to sell to the public. If people miss the first part, they'll miss the second part. Then, before you know it, suddenly they've lost the habit of watching the show altogether. Not everybody is as interested in Doctor Who as us (you especially, Stott) and watch it far more casually.

Yeah, in fact I remember RTD saying that very thing about why the stories were mainly stand alones. That's also the reason the two parters have their own names, as opposed to The Empty Child Part 2, as they figured a lot of people would switch off if they hadn't seen part 1.

I think the main reason for the episodes being forty five minutes is a money issue. They can afford to do more episodes if they're forty five mins as opposed to a full hour. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 28 2010, 7:57 PM BST

I think the main reason for the episodes being forty five minutes is a money issue. They can afford to do more episodes if they're forty five mins as opposed to a full hour. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.

And it makes it easier to sell em to commercial stations in overseas markets.

Quote: Marc P @ April 28 2010, 7:46 PM BST

Write much?

Know anything?

Quote: Marc P @ April 28 2010, 9:33 AM BST

Yeah, but it's a good excuse to go to Forbidden Planet!! :)

I was there Saturday before last..

I saw in todays Evening Standard that Matt Smith has bought a house in Highgate village.

It must be near POND square then.

To accomodate that Dorothy thing, next weekend Who will be broadcast at the even earlier time of six, because obviously a tacky talent show that gets less viewers than Who is more important. It seems odd that they can't fix their shows to set times.

It's Britain's Got Talent, Matt. They just don't want to get killed in the ratings.

Quote: Badge @ April 29 2010, 11:04 AM BST

It's Britain's Got Talent, Matt. They just don't want to get killed in the ratings.

And that's another prime example. Britain's Got Talent has got loads of acts.

Quote: Badge @ April 29 2010, 11:04 AM BST

It's Britain's Got Talent, Matt. They just don't want to get killed in the ratings.

True, though it doesn't explain the first few weeks, when BGT wasn't on. I thought the Beeb weren't supposed to care or go chasing ratings? I know that's obviously not true, but isn't that supposed to be part of what thee BBC is about? That unlike commercial channels they don't chase ratings in this way?


Quote: Marc P @ April 29 2010, 11:17 AM BST

And that's another prime example. Britain's Got Talent has got loads of acts.


I find the constantly changing times very annoying. An institution like this needs a set time.

Quote: Nogget @ April 29 2010, 12:40 PM BST

I find the constantly changing times very annoying. An institution like this needs a set time.

It seems that it would make sense for a programme, any programme, to have a set time and not to have to check every week.

When trying to open a supposedly solid metal wall, don't have it wobble when touched. :D

Getting ready for episode 3 tonight!!!

Here's our current opinions thus far:

Connor: Glad it's back on, doesn't care who the Doctor is
Aynsley: Heartbroken that David Tennant is gone; she has the same red sneakers that he did
Hayden: She's got too big eyes. They're scary. Rolling eyes
Andie: I need more time.

So, is the Moff gonna wipe out the RTD era by rewriting time with the crack?

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