British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 452

Quote: chipolata @ April 28 2010, 9:27 AM BST

Star Trek.

Not quite the same. New Who has two characters, and that's it; everything is completely new and different each episode. With Trek, you have lots of returning characters each week, and a lot of each episode set basically on the ship.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ April 28 2010, 9:28 AM BST

Ah, bums.

*See above*

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 28 2010, 9:30 AM BST

Not quite the same. New Who has two characters, and that's it; everything is completely new and different each episode. With Trek, you have lots of returning characters each week, and a lot of each episode set basically on the ship.


Quote: john lucas 101 @ April 28 2010, 9:29 AM BST

Does that mean I'll have to take my Vespiform figure back to the Forbidden Planet? :(

Yeah, but it's a good excuse to go to Forbidden Planet!! :)

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 28 2010, 8:56 AM BST

Oh, I reeaally like the new interior; I don't see what's silly about it really.

It's certainly not 'sensible' though, is it? The Doctor has to use a hammer on some bits, and yet he's a Timelord. Even we mere humans have touchscreens. Arguably, he enjoys having it that way and so that's the way it is, but that doesn't stop it being silly. It just means he's silly, too.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 28 2010, 9:30 AM BST

Not quite the same. New Who has two characters, and that's it; everything is completely new and different each episode.

Which makes it easier to come up with brilliance of your own for that episode.

Quote: Marc P @ April 28 2010, 9:20 AM BST

And the giant wasp in the library with Agatha Christie episode will cease to exist.


In The Writers Tale, I seem to recall that the wasp thing was added as RTD didn't think they could just do a mystery, there had to be some sort of alien or monster around. Which I don't think I agree with, I don't see why for one episode they couldn't just have had a murder mystery; the man turning into a big wasp was a bit silly, and I realise it was supposed to be a comedy episode, but still.

Quote: Marc P @ April 28 2010, 9:34 AM BST

Which makes it easier to come up with brilliance of your own for that episode.

Yes, but we're just talking about the fact that a lot needs to be set up each ep, because every single thing, bar the Doc and Amy, is different. That's quite a skill I imagine, especially in a tight time frame.

Quote: Marc P @ April 28 2010, 9:33 AM BST

Yeah, but it's a good excuse to go to Forbidden Planet!! :)

I never need any excuse. I'm a brazen geek!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 28 2010, 9:38 AM BST


In The Writers Tale, I seem to recall that the wasp thing was added as RTD didn't think they could just do a mystery, there had to be some sort of alien or monster around. Which I don't think I agree with, I don't see why for one episode they couldn't just have had a murder mystery; the man turning into a big wasp was a bit silly, and I realise it was supposed to be a comedy episode, but still.

Yes it was a tad too far really. I like your premise better!

Yes, but we're just talking about the fact that a lot needs to be set up each ep, because every single thing, bar the Doc and Amy, is different. That's quite a skill I imagine, especially in a tight time frame.

But that's just called Drama Matthew. It's a blank canvas. Even Time itself is mutable. It's a fantastic brief -not a bad one at all. It offers the chance to display genius and people like Moffett seize it as often as not.

Quote: Marc P @ April 28 2010, 9:41 AM BST

But that's just called Drama Matthew. It's a blank canvas. Even Time itself is mutable. It's a fantastic brief -not a bad one at all. It offers the chance to display genius and people like Moffett seize it as often as not.

I don't think I'm actually disagreeing with you Marc, whatever you seem to think! :D It's my favourite show, of course I think it's a brilliant brief! :)


I think I may be subject to a preception perception filter. Errr

Quote: Nil Putters @ April 28 2010, 10:16 AM BST

I think I may be subject to a preception filter. Errr

A very specific one, that means you spell certain words wrong but are unable to notice?

Haha! You feel into my oh so cunning trap. :P Yay! I'm not invisible!

Quote: Nogget @ April 28 2010, 9:34 AM BST

It's certainly not 'sensible' though, is it? The Doctor has to use a hammer on some bits, and yet he's a Timelord. Even we mere humans have touchscreens. Arguably, he enjoys having it that way and so that's the way it is, but that doesn't stop it being silly. It just means he's silly, too.

Yeah, but the other poster was saying silly in a denegrating way. It is silly to have bath taps and so on, but I like it.

Quote: Nil Putters @ April 28 2010, 10:22 AM BST

Yay! I'm not invisible!

Who said that?

Quote: john lucas 101 @ April 28 2010, 9:17 AM BST

But then most American shows haven't got to introduce entire new planets, periods and main characters in each story.

Twilight Zone and Outer Limits. And they didn't have the luxury each week of two recurring characters, one of whom represents the clueless audience, the other doubling as an expositional tool to explain everything.

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