British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 450

Quote: zooo @ April 27 2010, 5:03 PM BST

It's like... the actors in real life are apparently very close now (wit woo) but I doubt on their third meeting she was hugging him like that. It just doesn't happen.

Although after a third *date*, 'hugging' is pretty much obligatory, I find.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 27 2010, 4:48 PM BST

12 regenerations would mean two more Doctors; and they'll get around that anyway.

Yeah, perhaps a SUPER REGENERATION giving hime 12 more goes.

:D :O Laughing out loud

He has a daughter who can take over when his 12 regenerations are up. Incidentally, the new TARDIS interior is silly. And yes, the hugging crap (and that f--king ethereal music) really should be toned down.

Quote: Kenneth @ April 27 2010, 10:29 PM BST

And yes, the hugging crap (and that f--king ethereal music) really should be toned down.

I agree the music is waaaaaaay too loud on Doctor Who lately. I can barely hear what they are saying at times.
And this is coming from someone who owns all the soundtracks of the show. It's not the music is bad, it's that it's overwhelming!

Quote: Kenneth @ April 27 2010, 10:29 PM BST

He has a daughter who can take over when his 12 regenerations are up.

That would be shittt.

Quote: billwill @ April 27 2010, 9:17 PM BST

Yeah, perhaps a SUPER REGENERATION giving hime 12 more goes.

I vote for this as preferable, and more likely. (I hope.)

The Timelords'll come back, the Doctor will fall in a pool of Timey wimey goodness and all will be well. Or something.

If it's still going by then, they'll sort it somehow. Ker'ching!

I'm very happy about the new doctor for the first time since the show came back. I like the new assistant - although I liked rose, and I LOVE the fact that we haven't had all soap opera shit that RTD gave us about Jackie and Mickey and Rose's dad. And they f**king leave Earth.

I hate the new theme music - truly broken now and the new doctor's costume is very, very uninspired - even if it's meant to be uninspired.

The biggest problem I have with the show is the length. I just don't like the new 45 minute episodes - they don't work - you need a cliffhanger after twenty minutes.

BTW Matt Smith's performance in 'Time of Angels' impressed me. He is a very good actor and has brought much to the part already.

Agree 100% wih Godot re Smith - in 3 out of 4 episodes he (and Karen Gillan to a large degree) have been terrific. The odd one out is episode 3 - the dalek one - and it really is odd because the acting seems off pace and I can't be sure why. Does anyone know what order they filmed them in? That might explain something, but maybe it was the pacing of the script that was wrong. It might be heresy to some but I don't think Gatiss's scripts for new Who have been that good - the Dickens one was fair enough but the dalek one was disappointing and the Idiot's Lantern was pretty pants.

The Dalek script was hugely ropey. Although the teaser with the girl pushing the Dalek onto the wargaming board was fantastic.

Quote: Kenneth @ April 27 2010, 10:29 PM BST

Incidentally, the new TARDIS interior is silly.

Oh, I reeaally like the new interior; I don't see what's silly about it really.

Quote: Badge @ April 28 2010, 1:25 AM BST

Does anyone know what order they filmed them in?

Not for all, but I know the Weeping Angels one was the first story shot.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ April 28 2010, 12:10 AM BST

BTW Matt Smith's performance in 'Time of Angels' impressed me. He is a very good actor and has brought much to the part already.


Quote: Godot Taxis @ April 28 2010, 12:10 AM BST

The biggest problem I have with the show is the length. I just don't like the new 45 minute episodes

Agree. I'd like more two parters; or to up the time to a full hour for the one episode stories; that would just give them a bit more time to breath.

It'd be quite good if Amy turned into an Angel and spent the rest of the series as a statue.

45 minutes is a perfectly good time for an episode if people know how to write for that length. It all comes down to the three act structure as usual. The afternoon plays are all 45 minutes aren't they?

Quote: Marc P @ April 28 2010, 9:06 AM BST

45 minutes is a perfectly good time for an episode if people know how to write for that length. It all comes down to the three act structure as usual. The afternoon plays are all 45 minutes aren't they?

It's just nice to have a cliffhanger and longer stories sometimes.

Plus American shows can do it in 40 minutes. At 60 minutes it would drag.

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