Bryan Parry
Monday 26th April 2010 10:30pm [Edited]
153 posts
Hey maffew, cheers for your rather generous criticism.
First off, yes, it's an imagined major DIY store.
This is definitely the most atypical of the scripts I've been working on for this sitcom idea, and it's definitely one that needs a lot of work. Indeed, I don't think I ever will post anything on this board that I feel 95% happy with -- why would I? When I post my own stuff, I personally want criticism and help to make it better, not praise at how something I've done is so perfect or whatever. Anyway...
When I say "atypical", I mean in a few ways. One is that this episode takes place almost wholly at night... which loses an interesting element to this sitcom idea, and that is the customer stuff (which you mentioned). You should know that for me, having been moving around in this world for a while, the nightshift was interesting new territory to explore, but for someone coming to this concept for the first time, maybe not such a good idea. Yes, I think I was silly posting this particular script up, but hey-ho.
Would you like me to post up the first ten pages of the "pilot" script to see how it compares? Probably should've posted that up instead, as you say... lol!
I 100% agree with you. The whole first ten-ish pages of this script just drag a bit. And you're definitely right about cutting the description stuff; whenever I go back and start cutting stuff out, I'm always surprised by just how little I, in fact, really do need to write.
"There's a long section about pirate DVDs.. It's not funny, and unless it sets up some gag later on, I'd get rid of it."
Furry muffs. I did find it quite funny, tho not side-splittlingly so or anything. Either way, it does lead to gags and story progression.
The pirate DVD stuff does go somewhere; it's a major plot point...
I was thinking of dropping the running/drinking scene altogether. But maybe I could keep it in but verbally **spell out** the joke when we next see him in store, i.e., covered in milk with cornflakes in his hair, say. That's the kind of thing I'm seeing in my mind, I think I ought to put it in explicitly.
I personally found the wanking stuff to be hilarious when I wrote it, and still hilarious now (and it's been months and months and months since I first put finger to keyboard). One of my favourite sitcoms is Bottom, so... ha! But I do think that the wanking/knob/toilet stuff is just taking up way too much time that frankly could be punchier and funnier in just a fraction of the space. Just having trouble getting perspective on where to ruthlessly scythe the shizzle out of it.
So anyway, man, in summary, thank you for your very very generous criticism. I need to think on it, but I think it may help me.
Also, would you be interested to see the current draft of the first ten pages of the pilot? I ask, because that is mostly set during the day, and has more "character" stuff and customer stuff.
Or maybe it would be better to post up the next few pages of this particular script...?