British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 448

Yeh well Gary Glitter has sweeties and he said I could be in his gang.

So yah boo sucks.

Quote: Nil Putters @ April 25 2010, 8:39 PM BST


It's good but it really needs a superimposed cartoon image of Graham Norton to be a bit more "life-like".


I think it was planned to show that trailer then.

Over The Rainbow hasn't been doing well and what better way to get publicity than to annoy millions.

Quote: Nil Putters @ April 24 2010, 8:16 PM BST

More... Knob. Out. Of. Knickers.

Laughing out loud

I have to say I am really enjoying Matt Smith as the Doctor and am close to giving him my blessing (not that anyone gives a frig). My fear that he would be too young and that it would be like watching Matt Stott as Doctor Who has not been borne out. He is too young, but he's not a bimbo like Tennant and you feel that fewer people are masturbating now while the programme is on.

The episode was well written and pretty exciting although I have problems with the new show format of 45 mins. and prefer the 24 min. length of the 'classic' episodes. There was little bit of a sag in this one just before the end.

Regarding the pop-up Graham Norton trail - the BBC have been doing that shit for years. You cats obviously don't watch BBC3. It so clearly a stupid idea it doesn't need commenting on. Remember when Charlie Brooker had a talking arse on the credits of his show to stop anyone doing a voice over?

But not his own arse eh? He's quite the flunky abuser.

N.B. I blinked when Norton appeared and I was involuntairily bummed.

:O Laughing out loud

Quote: Nil Putters @ April 25 2010, 8:39 PM BST


Wicked! Did you make that Nil!?
If you did very cool, if you didn't, cool find anyways.

Anyways just wanted to drop in to say how much I'm enjoying this new season. The last episode with the Angles was so good I watched it twice back to back.

I liked the last episode, still like Blink better though. I'm wondering if they'll do anything else with her looking into the angel's eyes, other than that stone arm thing. There seems to be a lot of 'mind over matter' with this doctor.

Quote: Curt @ April 27 2010, 4:00 AM BST

Wicked! Did you make that Nil!?
If you did very cool, if you didn't, cool find anyways.

No, I didn't Curt. I came via DannyJB's Twitter feed. :)

I agree that the new Doctor is too similar to Tennant.

Previous re-generations were totally different to the one before in age, character, style, build everything whereas the latest ones are a similar age. I'm still waiting for a young one (!) or a woman.

I would like the next one to be about 40/50. No romance whatsoever, no hugging. Eccentric and grumpy and hard to get to know. And not affectionate.
So then maybe, at the very end of the series, if he did something slightly affectionate, then it would actually mean something.

I think Matt Smith and Amy were doing massive intimate long hugs in the first fecking episode. No gradual companionship happening, and it therefore doesn't mean anything.

Quote: zooo @ April 27 2010, 4:43 PM BST

I think Matt Smith and Amy were doing massive intimate long hugs in the first fecking episode. No gradual companionship happening, and it therefore doesn't mean anything.

Well, in a way, she's kind of known him most of her life.

They can only have one more Doctor anyway, can't they? He's got a limit of 12 regenerations, and he's on his eleventh.

Quote: Chappers @ April 27 2010, 4:38 PM BST

I agree that the new Doctor is too similar to Tennant.

His performance is less, um, showy, I suppose you might say. Tennant performance was much larger, over the top facial expressions, that sort of stuff, Smith seems to be a bit more naturalistic, whilst eccentric at the same time. I don't think his performance is too similar at all.

Quote: chipolata @ April 27 2010, 4:47 PM BST

They can only have one more Doctor anyway, can't they? He's got a limit of 12 regenerations, and he's on his eleventh.

12 regenerations would mean two more Doctors; and they'll get around that anyway.

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