Alfred you're starting to sound like one of them extremists...
General Election 2010 Page 56
He's making a lot of sense though. Even if it doesn't really follow through to practicality.
Yes, I think much more harm than this, they are changing our culture and making us feel like we no longer matter as much in our own country. They are causing division and resentment because they keep demading special treatment. We are also on a constant state of alert because we just don't know when some of them are going to try and blow us up again. They are extremely selfish and demanding. And the infrastructure is bursting at the seams at the sheer weight of their numbers. Even the nazis didn't manage to cause the long lasting damage to our way of life that these people are.
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ April 27 2010, 12:16 AM BSTThey are causing division and resentment because they keep demading special treatment. ... And the infrastructure is bursting at the seams at the sheer weight of their numbers.
And this is where all three parties are failing and the BNP is succeeding.
Ever noticed how much Plaid Cymru sounds like "I'd bum you."
Quote: Aaron @ April 27 2010, 12:49 AM BSTAnd this is where all three parties are failing and the BNP is succeeding.
You know vritually every mosque (and yes that includes the whoppers) was built by donations and often labor of individual Muslims, with virtually no state help.
The political correct individualised bandwagon is to all often foisted upon communities without their sayso.
I do hope people are aware that Hizbu Tahir and MCE etc etc. Actively dislike assimilated Muslims more than anyone else and desperately try to embarass them at every oportunity. Something this thread seems to be actively supporting.
And as for Muslim terrorists in the UK. Statistically in terms of succesful campaigns. They are EXACTLY as dangerous as far right extremists (e.g. not very bar one exception)
The people screaming for special treatment are a minority. Unfortunately they seem to be the people are venal, weak minded government are listening to.
I wish, how I wish, that I had written something down in the 1950s / 60s.
As I lived through the Berlin Airlift, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Cold War generally, I wanted to shout 'You're looking in the wrong direction!
Given 2000 years of history, it was clearly from the Muslim Middle East that the threat was going to come.
Still, can't prove it now. You'll have to take my word.
But I was shit scared during the Cuba business !
The Simpsons address Comedy Central's decision to censor South Park's mention of Muhammad:

Nice at least to see someone else standing up against the censorship. Not something that we'd see here. We just bend over and take it.
I hate liberals.
Quote: Aaron @ April 27 2010, 4:05 AM BSTI hate liberals.
You should move to my neighborhood. A couple of hours ago I was helping friends shovel gravel into the back of a pickup truck and the conversation degenerated into a liberal bashfest within 30 seconds. It was kind of funny because all four of the people used to live in California and considered themselves liberal until recently.
Interesting article. So the legislation is in place but is unenforced and weak. The law should be there protect people from themselves.
Quote: Aaron @ April 27 2010, 4:05 AM BSTNice at least to see someone else standing up against the censorship. Not something that we'd see here. We just bend over and take it.
I hate liberals.
Unless you're referring to Jerry Springer the Musical. Censorship of late hasn't had much to do with touchy feely liberals. But way more to do with thuggish pressure groups (religious mostly) and cowardly producers.
If there is a concept of hate crimes towards religion/race. There should be a concept of hate crime "caused"by religious views which should be equally wrong.
I didn't want to go back to the bombing but I have to quickly, Sooty, you can't just paste over their terrorism by saying 'not very dangerous bar one exception', you know they've come close on several other occasions with major bombing plots! Then there's been poison making, policemen killed, attempted kidnapping and murder plots, general incitement to murderand hatred, stirring up of anti British and western feeling, distressing demonstrations and hate campaigns. There is a website I came across which listed every case of Islamist offence that went to court in Britain in the last few years and it was staggering! I did not know a third of them.
The airports, transport stations, major public buildings are on an almost constant state of high alert, it has cost the taxpayer billions in added security and hindered our freedom and way of life. You cannot just paste over the immense threat their nutters are to us and how much damage they have caused. What's most annoying to many is, we had just got rid of the Irish threat and were enjoying a bit of peace, when the mad Islamists started. To see Britain slowly changing into a middle eastern type state in constant fear of terrorist violence is very depressing to most Brits. Muslims have caused this, that is a simple fact.
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ April 27 2010, 8:47 AM BSTI didn't want to go back to the bombing but I have to quickly, Sooty, you can't just paste over their terrorism by saying 'not very dangerous bar one exception', you know they've come close on several other occasions with major bombing plots!
Yup the white fascists also succeded with the Mardi Gras bomber. And have had a quite large number of arrests for planning terrorism, posession of fire arms/explosives etc etc.
The IRA managed to bring terror to London numerous times.
How ever if you are referring to Islamists and fundamentalists. Then I completely agree they are a very real danger (they're biggest threat is organsining and fundraising for international terror using the UK as a base). But they are not Muslims.
In the same way I may be Jeiwsh doesn't make me live on the Westbank and shoot Arabs. Nor is my Catholic chum a child abuser in black who votes however the pope tells him to,
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ April 27 2010, 8:47 AM BSTThe airports, transport stations, major public buildings are on an almost constant state of high alert, it has cost the taxpayer billions in added security and hindered our freedom and way of life. You cannot just paste over the immense threat their nutters are to us and how much damage they have caused. What's most annoying to many is, we had just got rid of the Irish threat and were enjoying a bit of peace, when the mad Islamists started. To see Britain slowly changing into a middle eastern type state in constant fear of terrorist violence is very depressing to most Brits. Muslims have caused this, that is a simple fact.
The security is more part of an international war with an ideology. It's unfortunate it's tagic. It may be partially avoidable if maybe we stopped occupying other people's countries for the most spurious of reasons.
Oh and the ideology isn't Islam.
The desperate need to reduce the bloke who runs my local Indian takeaway to Osama Bin Laden. Isn't a simple fact. It's profound silliness.
Quote: DaButt @ April 27 2010, 4:10 AM BSTYou should move to my neighborhood. A couple of hours ago I was helping friends shovel gravel into the back of a pickup truck and the conversation degenerated into a liberal bashfest within 30 seconds. It was kind of funny because all four of the people used to live in California and considered themselves liberal until recently.
That says it all about how a once mighty country is now essentially made up of two petty squabbling groups, each of whom blames the other for all the ills of the world.
Yeh well your group are all stupid heads and responsible for all the faults in our country
Quote: Aaron @ April 27 2010, 12:49 AM BSTAnd this is where all three parties are failing and the BNP is succeeding.
You're right that the three main parties have pretty much avoided the subject of immigration, but the BNP have hardly supplied any realistic options on the subject. They're going to pay immigrants and their families to leave Britain? Has that been costed? And where will the money come from? What services will have to be cut?
And part of the reason the political elite don't like to talk about it is that whenever immigration is discussed it's hijacked by the right-wing press, who specialise in hysteria and misinformation. It would help us have a proper debate on the subject if we had a proper grown-up press.