Godot Taxis
Wednesday 28th April 2010 12:00am [Edited]
5,760 posts
Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 27 2010, 8:57 AM BST
Maybe not hate, but she clearly didn't care for him and his work. I'm not saying she should have kissed his arse, but the tone she has throughout is just weird; snide put down after snide put down; and you can bet she never acted that way to his face.
She's quite robust with him, but I think you have to read between the lines. Gervais brought sandwiches to the interview ("I know you can get food here, but you might have to wait for it once you've ordered it"). This probably precluded the interviewer getting any lunch.
Gervais' main problem is that he is a boaster. In the last interview I read with him he was correcting a press report that his basement swimming pool actually cost £3m and not the £1m reported.
He will then say something like: "Doesn't matter if it cost ten million - or a hundred pounds - or if it didn't exist - I'd still be happy. When I was offered £4m for xxxx film I turned it down because money's not important. John Cleese and David Bowie agree with me."
The Radio Times interview opens with a similar anecdote where Gervais contrives to tell us that he's not motivated by money but then going into detail about an amount offered by a Japanese bank for a 40 minute slot that he turned down. He actually sounds just like Brent: "A million Pounds... Obscene."
In fact Gervais appears to be acting out a non-stop scene from the Office in every interview he gives. The one where he tries to show the issue of 'Inside Paper' magazine to the employees of Wernham Hogg that has him on the cover. It's a great scene. He affects to throw the magazine away and instead gently lays it on top of the bin to be reclaimed later.
At the end of the Radio Times interview Rachel Cooke says:
"It's as if he's a teenager and I'm his mother. He thinks he can do anything. He thinks he can get away with anything."
I was reminded of an interview some years ago where he dismissed 'Sex Lives of the Potato Men' (then on general release) before telling the interviewer he had been offered and turned down the Johnny Vegas role. Aside from breaking the convention that you don't mention parts that you have turned down and other actors have taken up, Gervais seems to want to make sure you know that he could have done it if he wanted to - he just didn't want to. It's a curiously childlike trait.