Well there needs to be a lot more of these moderate Muslims actually speakng out, because I can't hear them. There are no where near enough of them. The Tories have picked one as their main spokeswoman on Muslim issues, a very clever move and she seems sensible, but will Muslim communities listen to her? Certainly the extremists won't. They will think she's not one of them.
The biggest problem is Muslim group leaders, like the head of the supposedly moderate Muslim Council of GB - he sets such a bad example, imo, he's whingy and whiny and is always complaining about how Muslims are treated, and has the cheek to criticise sexually dressed white females on TV. This is not what he should be doing, he is making all Muslims look like intolerant bigots who think that others around them should change to fit in with them! That is how most Brits I think now see most Muslims.
I'm not talking about terrorist bombers, I'm talking about the more general harm Islam itself does to our British culture - the two do not mix - they have not integrated into society, they have ghettoised themselves, they have remained absolutely indifferent to our culture, they have stubbornly defended their own practices which upset many non Muslims, and they do harbour an awful lot of members with rabid fundementalist views and massive grudges against their infidel hosts. Can it be any wonder that they as a group now are not trusted and generally not liked?