British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 444

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 24 2010, 8:12 PM BST

I have one idea, but I'll keep it to myself until we find out.

Transvestite Master?

Quote: Nogget @ April 24 2010, 8:14 PM BST

She's Graham Norton!!


Quote: Nil Putters @ April 24 2010, 8:14 PM BST

Transvestite Master?

Cat. Out. Of. Bag.

Quote: zooo @ April 24 2010, 8:10 PM BST

No, I bet not.
I reckon she made advances and was sent packing. There has to be some reason for her being such a sour old bint!


Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 24 2010, 8:15 PM BST

Cat. Out. Of. Bag.

More... Knob. Out. Of. Knickers.

Quote: chipolata @ April 24 2010, 7:16 PM BST

I was less sure about having the Angels talk via the dead soldier. I think the less you know about them, the more terrifying they are. Or as terrifying as you can get at Saturday teatime.

Moffat did that in the library episode last year too. He does seem to be re-using many of his previous ideas, which is quite worrying as he has written so few stories. Anyway, enough of that minor gripe, what a bloody brilliant episode that was. Though the sound yet again annoyed me, every week I need the blooming subtitles on in order to hear what is being said, the music IS class though, despite what anyone says. Best episode of the series so far, and I think we're in for a right treat next week. And the speech at the end, about being in a trap, MAGIC!! Any lingering doubts I may have had about Matt Smith's acting capabilities were just completely blown out of the water.

It's gone mainly unmentioned that this ep featured the rapper guy from 'The Streets' at the start. Slightly weird casting! Maybe he's trying to be an actor now.

Quote: Mickeza @ April 24 2010, 8:16 PM BST

Moffat did that in the library episode last year too. He does seem to be re-using many of his previous ideas, which is quite worrying as he has written so few stories.

This was a bit different though; that was residual sentiance in a microchip, this was The Angels actually using a persons voice.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 24 2010, 8:17 PM BST

It's gone mainly unmentioned that this ep featured the rapper guy from 'The Streets' at the start.

It's gone unmentioned aside from everybody mentioning Mike Skinner.

Let's hope he sorts the theme tune out. :D Or does some nice mixes. :D

Quote: Chappers @ April 24 2010, 8:16 PM BST


I was going off tangent and talking about a Ricky Gervais interview in the Radio Times. :)

Quote: Mickeza @ April 24 2010, 8:16 PM BST

And the speech at the end, about being in a trap, MAGIC!!

That was great, the best little rousing Doc speach since Ecclstones one to the Daleks at the cliffhanger to his final story. 'And then, I'm going to blow every last stinking Dalek out of the sky! Rose? I'm coming to get you'. BOOM!

This week (unlike last) I didn't actually notice any sound problems.

Quote: chipolata @ April 24 2010, 8:18 PM BST

It's gone unmentioned aside from everybody mentioning Mike Skinner.

By everyone you mean me and Nil? I'm sure there's more people than that on here . . .

I notice that this Doctor does display a certain amount hubris. In the first episode he was bragging about all the aliens he's defeated. And this one he was talking about how you should never put him in a trap. I kind of hope that pride cometh before a fall because it'd be really entertaining to see him f**k up royally.

Quote: chipolata @ April 24 2010, 8:22 PM BST

I notice that this Doctor does display a certain amount hubris.

He needs a belt.

Laughing out loud

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