British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 442

Billwill Are you the Master?

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ April 24 2010, 3:02 AM BST

Billwill Are you the Master?



Quote: billwill @ April 24 2010, 12:58 AM BST

Most Atheists don't care what other people think, "that's up to them to have their funny beliefs", but Dawkins is actively trying to make people believe there is no god.

My impression is that his main aim is to show that anti-science religious people are wrong and/or malevolent, and that his argument against a God is part of that.

Quote: billwill @ April 24 2010, 12:36 AM BST

Have you read the book?

Yes I have. I wonder how closely you read it.

He seems to fervently BELIEVE there is no God.

He doesn't say this.

I'm prepared to believe there might be an all-powerful being or creator, but I ain't seen enough proof yet

He says this.

Quote: billwill @ April 24 2010, 2:45 AM BST

Bringing both topics back together Dr Who enthusiasts need to believe in God, cos there wouldn't be a Devil without s a God and Dr Who met the Devil.

Whistling nnocently

And angels. Don't forget weeping angels.

(Right, we're back on topic)

Quote: billwill @ April 24 2010, 2:45 AM BST

Bringing both topics back together Dr Who enthusiasts need to believe in God, cos there wouldn't be a Devil without s a God and Dr Who met the Devil.

Whistling nnocently

Ah, but we don't know that was the Devil in the way we understand such a creature from religion.

Best episode of the series so far? Oh yes!

I need to watch that again.

Yay! for Mike Skinner though!!

I. Am. Terrified. :|

I thought it was pretty good. Best of the bunch so far. And it was enjoyable seeing The Doctor miffed early on and being teased by Alex Kingston.

I was less sure about having the Angels talk via the dead soldier. I think the less you know about them, the more terrifying they are. Or as terrifying as you can get at Saturday teatime.

Bits of that were reeeeeeally good.
I was quite scared again.

Elliot was watching it with his little cousins, but I dunno who would've been more scared to be honest!

Was that little ad for the next show right at the very last moments of the f**king show a mistake? Or is that shit going to happen every week?

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ April 24 2010, 7:32 PM BST

Elliot was watching it with his little cousins, but I dunno who would've been more scared to be honest!


Quote: zooo @ April 24 2010, 7:33 PM BST

Was that little ad for the next show right at the very last moments of the f**king show a mistake? Or is that shit going to happen every week?

You mean with the animated Graham Norton standing at the bottom of the screen? That was annoying. Way to kill the atmosphere, BBC.

Yes that. It almost seemed like it came on a minute too early or something (It's always Graham based technical faults on Who.)

Probably was on purpose though. Absolute idiocy.

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