Hello all, I'm a new arrival on the forums (will submit a post about myself in Introductions soon) looking for some advice on the sitcom I'm currently writing. I'm awaiting feedback on a script I posted off to The Comedy Unit, and given that I don't expect feedback to come for a little while yet, I'm interested in seeing whether people other than my family and friends think my work is actually funny.
This seems a good place to start, so I've decided to post part of a scene from the first episode of my sitcom. Btw I've written one full episode - episode one - and am nearly finished writing the second episode.
I won't bore you with every single detail about the show I'm writing, suffice it to say that its set in a cinema, and the main characters are two brothers who don't get along very well. Nicky has just returned from Oxford to see his dying grandfather, and hasn't exactly been welcomed with open arms by his brother Will. I know feuding brothers is not the most original of ideas, but the bad blood between the brothers is really just a catalyst for starting the series, as it goes in a totally different direction after the first episode, while keeping their relationship at the heart of the show.
In the scene I've pasted in below, Nicky is taken to the cinema in which Will works. The relationship is still quite tense, for reasons we discover later in the first episode. By this point, we know that Nicky has been gone for just over 2 years, and has only made infrequent calls to his mother. This scene takes place on location, but I would like this series to be filmed mostly in a studio, and I don't have a preference really whether its filmed with or without an audience.
Any advice, criticism, praise etc will be much appreciated! Hope you like it!
So…um…When did you leave your job at the card shop?
Oh I left Johnson’s about a year and half ago. This mad bloke bought it over and renamed it Nixon’s. I got offered the chance to stay on but as I say, he was a bit mad. I think he thought he actually was Richard Nixon. Weird guy all together.
(Chuckles) That’s three card shops I can think of with the name of former U.S. Presidents.
(Laughs) I never noticed that. Johnson then Nixon. I can’t think of another one though. Was there a President Birthdays?
(Flatly) No. I meant Clintons.
(Will laughs raucously, Nicky looks sort of embarrassed)
(After an awkward pause) So, where do you work now?
You’re looking at it. (Will points. We see a cinema on the other side of a main road as cars go by. It’s old-fashioned, art deco, but a bit rundown)
Is that a cinema?
It is indeed. Welcome to The Cameo cinema! (When Will says the above, we see an Alfred Hitchcock look-a-like walk past the cinema) Well, what do you think?
I think I went there to see Jurassic Park and my seat collapsed half way through the film. I’m sure that’s it. I can't believe I remember this, but I'm sure the foyer carpet had this massive burn mark where someone had stamped out a cigarette on it.
Hey, you’re right! That mark is still there! What a good memory you have, except for small details...like your home address (N scowls). Come on, I’ll take you on a guided tour.
Oh, there’s no need.
Come on. We came out to bond.
Did we? I came out for some triple A batteries and a bit of fresh air.
(Will hits him on the arm)
Come on. This is a good way to get to know each other again.
(Droll) Can’t we just hold hands?
(Does OTT gay impression) Ooh! I think Oxfam turned you gay, little brother!
It’s Oxford. And I was born first.
(They stop outside the double doors, which are light brown with gold rails.)
What films are they showing today?
It tells you up on the sign.
(Nicky stands back and looks up at the sign. There are very tiny letters attached to an old-fashioned cinema sign with a white, lined background).
I can’t read that, it’s miniscule. (Will stares at him blankly) I mean the letters are very small.
Oh right. Yeah, well somebody stole the letters we usually put up, and because we had none left, we had to stick fridge magnets up there until the new batch arrives.
(Nicky looks again, straining)
Has nobody complained? They are awfully small.
I don’t think so. Not everybody is as picky as you are. (Nicky raises his eyebrows) Now before we go in, prepare for a surprise.
What is it?
You’ll never guess who owns this.
Why guess? You could just tell me.
(Laughs) I’m not going to tell you until you guess.
(Miffed) Is it David Bowie? Does David Bowie own it?
What kind of a guess is that? That’s just madness.
He could have bought it on a whim; you know, maybe he was passing through town, the car stopped at the traffic lights and he thought “wow, I really need to buy that shitty old abandoned cinema over there. It would really compliment my sixteen mansions”.
What a cheap snob. It’s not manky, it’s got character.
Well, I won’t argue with you on that, it does have character. Stig of the Dump being the first character which springs to mind.
(Ignoring him) When you said David Bowie, you were on the right tracks. It’s a famous person. (Pauses) Will I just tell you?
See, this is exactly why I never guess. There are six billion people on the planet and that’s the odds for picking the right person. Then the person asking you to guess gets bored of waiting and tells you anyway. You could have saved oodles of time just by telling me at the start.
Ok, you don’t like the guessing game.
I don’t. I don’t like the waiting game either. Or The Generation Game. Well, it depends who the host it.
Right. Well, the owner is...Mick Malone! (Grins) I work for the Mick Malone. Can you believe that?
(Mocking tone) No, that’s unbelievable! I can’t believe that! (Pause) Who’s the Mick Malone?
(Tuts) I see Oxfam taught you to have no manners either.
Mick used to be on TV. He was big in the 80s. You must remember him?!
I didn’t watch much TV in the 80s. Funnily enough, I was too busy being born and stuff like that.
He used to be on that show. Don’t you remember?
What show?
You know the one.
Are we playing the guessing game again?
I can’t remember the name of it. It's got a funny title. Come on, we’ll ask him.
I'll just wait here until you get back.
No, come on in. I'll get you his autograph.
I don't even know who he is, Will!
When has that ever stopped you from getting a freebie?
Good point. Lead the way!
(They open the double doors leading into the cinema foyer. The doors shut heavily behind them. The camera focused on the cinema facade, we see some of the fridge magnets fall off of the sign to the ground).