British Comedy Guide

Slack to the future.


INT 1:
Did the agency explain much about the role ?

Not really, they just said you needed someone who was a quick learner, literate & numerate. and I have all four of those qualities in spades.

INT 1:
And you're willing to work hard, and go the extra mile?


INT 1:
Hmm, that's what we were afraid of.


INT 2:
We were really looking for someone to stay well within the first mile.

INT 1:
Basically, what this company needs, right now, in this role, is someone to make up the numbers. We're not looking for someone to think outside the Box..

INT 2:
What we really need is someone who doesn't particularly care what's in the box in the first place.

I'm not sure I follow you.

INT 2:
That's more like it, just the sort of attitude we're looking for.

INT 1:
We've got a budget, which we'll lose if we don't have a full complement of staff, so what we require is someone to come in sit there & just be a member of staff. Up the headcount so to speak.

INT 2:
Without doing too much work, or muscling in on other peoples duties.

Well It's not really something I'm used to, I usually try to work quite hard and be pro active.

INT 1:
Oh no that's not good at all If we can get someone in who isn't very helpful, then that would really help us out.

Are you being serious? You actually want someone who isn't very good at what they do?

INT 2:
On the Contrary we want someone who is very good at what they do..

INT 1:
As long as what they do isn't very much..

Thinking about it, as weird as this is, I think I could be just the man you're looking for.

INT 2:
You're just trying not to impress us.

No seriously! You name it, I'll ignore it.

INT 1:
We've had a look at your references & we do have some concerns.

Such as?

INT 1:
It seems that your sickness record leaves a lot to be desired.

INT 2:
You've hardly taken any sickies at all, and the ones you have taken all seem genuine.

INT 2 :
We don't really want someone that we can rely on , we need a few spare desks from time to time..

It's something I could work on, I suppose.

INT 1:
Good, Good. Do you have much experience of browsing on the internet ?

A little bit, at lunchtimes.

INT 1:
You'll need to increase that if you want to get nowhere in this company.

INT 2:
We're not one of these stuffy companies that expects you to pretend your working while you're surfing the net.

INT 1:
As long as you get all your browsing done during the day then we don't mind what you do.

Sounds good.

INT 1:
Look, We've got a few more people to see today, but you're definitely the poorest candidate so far, we're quite impressed.

INT 2:
Is there anything you would like to ask us?

Not really, quite frankly I couldn't give a toss.


INT 1:
Fantastic, could you start Monday.

Nope ! Earliest I can be bothered to come in is Wednesday afternoon.


INT 1:
Welcome to the Firm, It's vaguely satisfying to have someone on board.


Thankyou, I'm more or less relieved not to have to go to any more interviews

Very nice indeed. I though you could have more fun with the sickness part, but really enjoyed it all the same. Nice use of split lines between the 2 interviewers and the last line from INT 1 was one of my favourites of all time.

Cheers Scratchyr.

It's an old one I was trying to rewrite, but I remember trying the Two interviewers deliberately as most of my sketches seemed to be just two people talking to one another.
So whether the sketch was good or not I did find the 3 person dynamic worked quite well in places.

I haven't seen it before. Did you post an earlier version? I think It definitely works. The mandatory pruning aside, it's a strong sketch so I think you should work a little more on it.

I thought that was really funny and well written. If I had one thing to say other than that it would be the mild confusion that was caused by this line:

Not really, they just said you needed someone who was a quick learner, literate & numerate. and I have all four of those qualities in spades.

When I read that at first, I laughed, because it was funny, but I also assumed the candidate was an idiot. As it turned out he wasn't, he was sort of the opposite, so I wonder if this line is misleading and out of place? Unless the candidate is joking and I missed it of course.

In case he's not joking, I would think the most important thing to do early is to establish the candidate's credentials and to make us think it's all going really well...and then flip it by revealing that what they really want is an underachiever.

It hasn't been on here before.
I did post the original version on a site I used to go on before I discovered the BCG.
At the moment I'm just trawling through a Word doc of half finished rubbish.

Quote: Joel Slack-Smith @ April 16 2010, 9:50 PM BST

I thought that was really funny and well written. If I had one thing to say other than that it would be the mild confusion that was caused by this line:

Not really, they just said you needed someone who was a quick learner, literate & numerate. and I have all four of those qualities in spades.

When I read that at first, I laughed, because it was funny, but I also assumed the candidate was an idiot. As it turned out he wasn't, he was sort of the opposite, so I wonder if this line is misleading and out of place? Unless the candidate is joking and I missed it of course.

In case he's not joking, I would think the most important thing to do early is to establish the candidate's credentials and to make us think it's all going really well...and then flip it by revealing that what they really want is an underachiever.

It didn't need that line.
It was just a gag put in at the beginning. And as you rightly pointed out it doesn't correctly reflect the characters character so to speak.

That was a lot fun, but some pruning is possibly called for to pruning down the length and perhaps sharpen up some of the exchanges.

An example of using three lines to set up a gag when you could do it one is:

INT 1:
We've had a look at your references & we do have some concerns.

Such as?

INT 1:
It seems that your sickness record leaves a lot to be desired.

INT 2:
You've hardly taken any sickies at all, and the ones you have taken all seem genuine.

could become:

INT 1:
We've had a look at your references and I am afraid your sickness record leaves a lot to be desired.

INT 2:
You've hardly taken any sickies at all, and the ones you have taken all seem genuine.

Spot on Timbo.
Now I know that it may possibly have some potential I'll definitely give it a trim.

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