British Comedy Guide

Antiques Roadshow



So what's the story behind these items?


Well, we got them from my grandma's house, when we were clearing it out.


I see; so can you reveal what you've brought?


"My dog's got no nose, how does it smell? Awful"


Ah, what a lovely old joke that is, indeed, probably Edwardian. And this one?


We found this under her dentures; "Why do the French all smell? Two Thirty"


Yes, well I suspect what's happened here is that someone has taken a rather unfashionable racist joke, and tried to make it more valuable by bolting part of an entirely different gag onto one end. Can you see the join?


Oh yes, I never noticed that before.


And this last one?


From down the back of her sofa; "What did Queen Victoria's gynecologist say to her?"


Hmmm. You're sure you searched thoroughly in that old sofa? Unfortunately this one is lacking a punchline.


Oh, I stuck my hand right in and had a good feel around, but it was so sticky and hairy, and stunk so bad, that I puked right into it...

Ironically, IMO, the ending gives it the feel of an old joke itself. I like the 'can you see the join?' concept of joining two different jokes.

Very nice!

That was a pleasure to read. Very funny.

Excelent very nice, lacking a punchline a little.

Maybe she makes a really awful nervous joke and it's worth a fortune.
Also mnetion insurance values, atleast I would.

Thanks for all your kind words, but clearly I've failed to make the punch work; the final line was intended to be both a description of the back of the sofa and also an unlikely ending for the Victoria gag.I should have made it more obvious.

Aah now I see bit gross but funny.

Just a few extra words would make it work.

Quote: sootyj @ March 31 2010, 5:25 AM BST

Also mnetion insurance values, atleast I would.

Yeah, I thought about putting in stuff about values, but I wanted to keep it brief.

Great idea and brilliant all the way true. Not quite sure about the last line though. Over all very nice.

Quote: Nogget @ March 31 2010, 6:00 AM BST

Thanks for all your kind words, but clearly I've failed to make the punch work; the final line was intended to be both a description of the back of the sofa and also an unlikely ending for the Victoria gag.I should have made it more obvious.

I think it's obvious enough, but maybe make it shorter and less disgusting? A short one liner with the double meaning would keep it in line with the rest of the sketch, which is super snappy. Up until the punchline it was brilliant though, a really clever idea executed in a way which made me laugh. Mozel tov to you sir.

Nice clever idea, enjoyed this

I agree with Mickeza.
The punchline is a good idea, but I'd reword it clean it up slightly.

So in general, did most people 'get' the punch, before I'd explained it? If not, how might rewording have helped convey it?

It took me two reads, but yes I got it.

I got it the first time, just wondered if it could end with something like 'and I found an old 50 pence piece and a half-sucked mint, are they worth anything?'

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