Alfred J Kipper
Friday 26th March 2010 8:08am [Edited]
8,490 posts
It wouldn't do half as well today as it did in its own day, mainly because there have been so many medical comedy dramas and dark comedies which were largely inspired by itself. It's one of those shows where I find it hard to give short snappy overviews of - it changed quite a lot in its 13 year run, inc. characters and actors, and it was a deep, 2D comedy anyway. It had many good points, like being sophisticated in its scripts; we in Britain were not used to this maturity in sitcoms and that's probably why it did very well over here. It had bad points too, like being a bit sentimental, preachy, sanctimonious and trying too hard at times to be cerebral - a fault I often find in American shows. It also went on way too long, but most US sitcoms do.