Wednesday 17th March 2010 1:55pm
Royal Berkshire
69,996 posts
Quote: Paul W @ March 17 2010, 1:26 PM GMT
Something like that won't get through willy nilly, it's even harder to enforce...
Yes it will. It's got a depressingly large amount of support. At the current rate, it'll be law before the election is called - in just a couple of weeks.
Hard to enforce fairly, yes. But dangerously easy to invoke the restrictions of, and a very sharp, slippery slope to total monitoring.
Quote: Paul W @ March 17 2010, 1:26 PM GMT
Is there even a white paper for this yet? I won't write to anyone until I've read more than a paragraph about it...
At least 5 paragraphs.
All you need to know is that it amounts to regulation of the Internet.