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Has Bigfella's documentary been on the old tellybox yet?

Quote: chipolata @ March 10 2010, 10:27 AM GMT

It's hot and cold with you, Ellie! Hot and cold! :)

:D :P

Quote: David Bussell @ March 10 2010, 10:18 AM GMT

Why don't you cut a simulation with a 'breaking news' graphic from elsewhere?

Good idea Batman!

Quote: Ben @ March 10 2010, 10:30 AM GMT

Has Bigfella's documentary been on the old tellybox yet?

Yes my old bean, last year. December.

Quote: bigfella @ March 10 2010, 2:43 PM GMT

Yes my old bean, last year. December.

Cool! Did it lead to much fame?

Quote: Ben @ March 10 2010, 2:54 PM GMT

Cool! Did it lead to much fame?

Hmmmmm, no.

I get to tell the Daily Star that I didn't want to do an interview though.

And it helped me get the book deal.

However, possible telly programme no 2 might be a little more viewed.

Oh I got a free years gym membership at the country club as well.

I need one of those things that you plug into your computer and then you can change the power point slide from whereever you are stood.

I guess it's like a mouse. But isn't.

I don't know what they are called.

Any clues.

EDIT! Ah, they are called powerpoint slide changers.


Quote: bigfella @ March 16 2010, 2:01 PM GMT

I need one of those things that you plug into your computer and then you can change the power point slide from whereever you are stood.

I guess it's like a mouse. But isn't.

I don't know what they are called.

Any clues.

EDIT! Ah, they are called powerpoint slide changers.


Clicking the mouse buttons changes slides does it not?

So you just need a USB extension lead for a mouse.

Quote: billwill @ March 16 2010, 3:24 PM GMT

Clicking the mouse buttons changes slides does it not?

So you just need a USB extension lead for a mouse.

It does, but no good for patrolling about a stage.

They do some on amazon. £14. They are a laser pointy thing as well. So I bring down aircraft at the same time.

Quote: bigfella @ March 16 2010, 3:51 PM GMT

So I bring down aircraft at the same time.

Nice for the closing piece.

They say you have to make your start and ending memorable.

Quote: bigfella @ March 16 2010, 4:05 PM GMT

They say you have to make your start and ending memorable.

Make it short. Shorter the better. Short.

90 fun filled minutes Chip!

Quote: bigfella @ March 16 2010, 5:00 PM GMT

90 fun filled minutes Chip!


Bally hell! I get restless watching Newsround!

I could do wonders with you Chip, wonders!


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