James Cotter
Wednesday 3rd March 2010 3:18pm
Exeter, Devon
1,594 posts
Quote: David Bussell @ March 3 2010, 11:15 AM GMT
James, with all due respect, you look like a kid playing dress-up. While I admire your enthuisiasm, you just aren't old enough to play a jaded radio host, let alone a detective. Also, for a showcase of your acting ability, this reel shows a certain lack of range (shouting in mockney seems to account for about 80% of it).
Bit harsh wouldn't you say?
I've gone over the whole playing someone older then myself thing before and like I said before it's being addressed. Jeremy is only about five years older then me that's the whole point of his character, he isn't meant to be just a jaded old radio host who's a has-been. He's someone who messed up his big break but is still young enough although he his blinded by his own self-confidence to do something about the situation he has got himself into. I find that a very real situation.
Quote: EllieJP @ March 3 2010, 8:53 AM GMT
Hi James,
I thought it was pretty good, but I don't think it showed the true range of your abilities. A few less authoritative roles maybe, and less police. Although I loved the fish and chip shop, and crispy duck. Very funny.
Glad you enjoyed "Come on Terry!" and the crispy duck gag. I take your point of playing authoritative roles. Thanks.
Quote: Gavin @ March 3 2010, 1:33 AM GMT
Hi James, watched through and quite a good piece of work. You're obviously quite driven and have a very clear idea what you want, which is good I did have some issues with the reel.
Sound levels jumped around to much some bits I struggled to hear the lines, then next minute it was screaming at someone.
Aspect ratio changed a few times stretching squashing was a bit distracting.
I did have a problem at the start with the age of the characters you were portraying. The one with the chip shop worked because it was a gag so can get away with it more. Just a thought really if this is something you will be using to attract potential work, maybe put in some stuff more suited to your age to help them see you in their end product.
I did drift off a bit in the middle, and I was actually looking at this thinking of potentially approaching you for some VO work. So even with that frame of mind I still tailed off in the middle. So I'd suggest putting all the goos stuff at the beginning since the internet is such an instant medium it's easy just to click away so don't waste a second of the person who's watching time, so if they do click away (for a cup of tea or a piss) and forget your tab is open they have a good idea what your all about. You can use the insights tool in YouTube to see the viewer hotspots and I'd begin tailoring your Reel to keep that level consistant.
Sum up
It's a good base to work from so keep going with it 
Glad you thought it was a good piece work.
There are some sound issues with the different jumps but if you decrees the shouty scenes you don't get the full effect and if you increase the quieter scenes you get a rather annoying humming noise.
When I do a few more projects. Two I have coming up are younger characters I will put these in to show I can play someone my own age.
Did you tell off with Spicer?