Quote: James Cotter @ March 3 2010, 11:22 AM GMTThanks I wasn't sure where to put it.
Oooh er missus
Said the girl with the bruised navel and a sticky ear.
Quote: James Cotter @ March 3 2010, 11:22 AM GMTThanks I wasn't sure where to put it.
Oooh er missus
Said the girl with the bruised navel and a sticky ear.
Quote: Ben @ March 2 2010, 9:53 PM GMTWas that picture necessary? It doesn't help with the egomaniac rumours.
I'll check out your showreel in due course.
Rumours? I thought it was fact.
Look forward to your feedback in due time.
Quote: sootyj @ March 2 2010, 10:12 PM GMTWhat sort of feedback were you looking for James? You seem a competent enough actor, but I'm not sure how much character comes out in your roles?
Thanks. Well the sort of feedback you have already given. What do you mean your not sure how much character comes from my roles?
Quote: James Cotter @ March 3 2010, 11:37 AM GMT
Rumours? I thought it was fact.
Look forward to your feedback in due time.
Thanks. Well the sort of feedback you have already given. What do you mean your not sure how much character comes from my roles?
He actually said how much comes out in your roles.
Hi James,
It's a good David Haig impersonation so you should just do it that way rather than putting it in to something else. Personally I'd wait until you have finished the course and got a bit more serious work under your belt before sending out a showreel, The actuality banging up against how you describe yourself won't help at this stage.
Quote: James Cotter @ March 3 2010, 11:37 AM GMT
Rumours? I thought it was fact.
Look forward to your feedback in due time.
Thanks. Well the sort of feedback you have already given. What do you mean your not sure how much character comes from my roles?
Well your roles are a little bit samey...
So maybe showing us the breadth of your acting pallate?
Quote: Ben @ March 2 2010, 10:46 PM GMTWell, the acting is ok, James. I still think you're playing roles that are too old for you though.
You can hear your natural voice breaking through when you're playing the east end copper, but I imagine that's as he's shouting a lot. Accents are hard to maintain at high volume. I'd like to have heard your infamous Welsh accent in there as well.
The big question is will you improve from here? It's all well and good being ok, but you need to be more than ok to succeed.
Thanks for watching it. I agree about some of the roles being too old for myself but as time goes on that's starting to change.
My voice does alter a bit in Ross but it's pretty much consistent in Harris & Doyle.
You won't being hear my Welsh accent for a while, I haven't recorded it yet let alone filmed it.
I think I'm improving purely because I'm trying to get a bit more serious acting under my belt which will help my comic acting. I never trained as a actor so a lot of the early stuff is guess work and ad-lib but as time goes on I'm picking up more and more tips and starting to realise my own strengths and weakness.
Have you thought about getting into production rather than performing or writing?
Quote: SlagA @ March 2 2010, 10:55 PM GMTCommented on YT
Yeah thanks. I've responded by the way.
Quote: bigfella @ March 2 2010, 10:55 PM GMTI didn't like your jacket
My golden brown suede jacket. I love the jacket. It's not actually mine I haven't seen it for years but it was a good jacket.
Quote: SlagA @ March 2 2010, 10:57 PM GMTHe is incredibly young, Ben, and it'd be unusual (though not impossible) for someone that enthusiastic and determined not to continually develop... as I'm sure you've seen in your own work.
Thanks for saying that. I think I am developing and will develop more.
Quote: will Cam @ March 2 2010, 11:08 PM GMTJames, I wish I had a tenth of your energy and commitment. You are quite prolific in your output. Do you aspire to be a writer/actor? Or are you trying both to see what you would be best at? Others have said it elsewhere but I would like to see you in a role that is nearer to your age, it would make your characters more realistic thus believable.
Thank you for the kind comments. I don't think I'm that prolific. I need to do more in my opinion.
I used to write, act and direct everything I was in but I'm starting just to co-write and act now. Or even just act in something I haven't written. I love writing and used to see that as my main role but in the last year or so I have got into acting far more now.
My sixth character Michael Grey is my age so your wish has been granted.
Yep, I think the general tone of the crits (being too young for the parts, same kind of character, possible lack of range etc) are something that has (rightly) been flagged up before and (if the new script turns out as good as it reads on here) these crits are currently being addressed by you and will result in another step up the ladder.
If only other comedians had the ability to absorb crit like you. Yes, you've got an ego (but we're all guilty of that) and yet yours is on the pleasantly inoffensive end of the spectrum, rather than the other extreme... where sadly most of us writers reside.
Keep listening to crit, keep improving. If so, then I'm rightly judging you on the forseen end product, and not as the current work-in-progress that you are.
Quote: sootyj @ March 2 2010, 11:34 PM GMTActually thinking of this more seriously. It's a good show reel, but it shows off your filmic/production skills more than your acting skills.
We can see you can do all sorts of complex shots and crowded scenes etc. But not that much of your acting.
Thanks for saying it's a good showreel.
Acting is not all about dialogue. It's about how you react to others or the physical humour or emotion you can bring to a scene saying that a lot of the wordy stuff I do is far to long to cut or put in the showreel.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 3 2010, 9:01 AM GMTYour performance as the radio DJ character is probably the stand out, not so shouty. There were sound issues in the piece though, and some of the clips chosen were a bit odd; you seem to be just more or less standing about in the background of some snippets!
Glad you liked Spicer.
If all I did was play leads all the time then I'm hardly going to be the first person you would hire for a ensemble show. I think it shows I can play a less senior role and interact with other characters with out grabbing the line light.
Quote: James Cotter @ March 3 2010, 2:51 PM GMT
Glad you liked Spicer.
If all I did was play leads all the time then I'm hardly going to be the first person you would hire for a ensemble show. I think it shows I can play a less senior role and interact with other characters with out grabbing the line light.
The expression is "lime light".
Your showreel is all about showing off your ability as an actor. Hang around in the background and expect to get cast as an extra.
Quote: David Bussell @ March 3 2010, 3:00 PM GMTThe expression is "lime light".
Your showreel is all about showing off your ability as an actor. Hang around in the background and expect to get cast as an extra.
Sorry I got the expression wrong. You knew what I meant.
At no point did I hang around in the background. I was referring to scenes where I wasn't leading the conversation but was involved. Not just standing there.