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Sketch Show Innovation?

Instead of just churning out sketches like some sketch churning monster, wouldn't we be better off coming up with a truly innovative conceit or device that could act as a framework for those sketches. Because at the moment this forum seems to just fire out sketches like buckshot from a blunderpuss.

I think we need someone to pick the best and get them filmed. With credits of course. The whole sketch project idea is great but the practicalities are getting in the way. It seems some people here have acting skills and the recording equipment. A lot of people are starting to get into recording sketches and I don't want us to miss the boat. There have been some very good sketches on here.

It isn't difficult to film at least 'rough demos' of sketches quite cheaply.

That's what we do and any reasonably intelligent person could do it as well, if not better than us.

The main cost is time.

It does mean switching the telly off.. unless you can write it into the sketch..


Well i guess you would know having the Junk Males. It would be interesting to know how many people could record these sketches as if they did a few each we might have a collective of our own.

The Sketch Show project still is ongoing but there have been technicalities as it is a big project but the idea of collectives is neat.

However one problem and oddly an advantage of writing and then recording is that you quickly learn how to write 'cheap' and film even cheaper.

Our sketches cost nothing - no surprise there. We can't afford to hire costumes, props, equipment. We use props gathered from flea markets, bargain bins, and homemade cobble-togethers. My Death cape was a sun parasol taken of its frame and draped over my head. We use mainly single scenes with sets that are either blank walls or outdoors. All driven through cost.

A lot of sketches on BSG are brilliant and I get envious of some of the great ideas I've read and wish I had half that talent BUT a few of those sketches preclude themselves from being produced at an amatuer level through complications of budgets, numbers of actors, props, scenes.

When I write I imagine a blank wall and two people. Anymore than that and my credit card creeps into the corner. If I had a budget, I'd weep for joy.

But writing with economy in mind is a distinct advantage in these budget orientated days.

Making videos.. how do we do it.. not difficlut.. but it takes time..

You may not like us or our stuff (who could blame you!) but this is how..

Well, we didn't even know each other as a group, two of us did, but the other three were strangers off the internet... (sorry..) 4laughs website <cough, choke, pain in heart>

The main thing is that we turn up and do it. That is the main thing by far. So it's five pairs of hands and minds and 'enthusiasms' and we are pretty democratic too, as we don't want to fall out and get nothing done.. it means compromising sometimes (well, quite often)

We write the scripts and circulate, we pick one, we then agree a shooting script where the main shots are defined. We cast it mainly from among the five but are now inviting others to be in front of camera too. We have toyed also with using scripts from other writers (if they are better than ours!!!) but we've not done that.. yet..

We learn our lines, we appoint a Director and main Cameraman. They run the shoot. We use basic camcorders (on tripods mostly) and try to get steady shots when they are meant to be steady. We mainly record the audio on camera. We try the best we can with lighting and camera position to get decent shots for the Editor. We take as many retakes as necessary to get a shot. It's not 'in the can' until it's the best shot/take we think we are capable of.

We use cheap video editing softare like 'Ulead'. We use 'Audacity, for audio sketches.

We make a big effort on the props, the set, the costumes, we spend a few quids on it. I bought a pipe off ebay for £2.50 and a false 'tache for £1.99. I borrowed a flat cap off my dad, we all do this kind of thing to get the props we want. We have to beg to get locations, but we do. It is hard, I'm looking for a chip-shop at the mo.. (not for lunch..)

But it's been enormous fun and it's a labour of love. It wouldn't work if we didn't like each others company and enjoy doing it so much.

We've had criticism and are often asked 'why do you bother'.

Because we want to do it, and we think there is a better chance of selling our sketches (and just possibly, some of the group as performers) if we can show a demo. It's working a bit, we have had some budding interest here and there (Smalls TV, NUTS TV) and that came from having videos, not scripts.

I would urge anybody who writes sketches to have a go. You still have your scripts.

But it's quite time consuming and you have to make an effort. It takes about a day to shoot a vid, plus the prep plus editing.

You have to be careful with music copyright btw but this is all stuff you can learn about off the web.


Disclaimer: to be fair one of us is an equity card carrying actor and it has been a bonus having him in the group. Also, we are a bit techy (work in IT, are engineers, etc.)

It maybe doesn't make our stuff any better as 'art' but it has helped in getting things done!

Fair enough guys, I was maybe getting ahead of myself being so frustrated with what's out there at the moment. I've got a sketch that I'm going to try and record myself. Its about the elephant man which is quite good as I won't need any props or make-up.

Some of this post is true.

I know the bit that's not true, he has a long black coat for a prop. ;)

The cost of producing a sketch isn't really something that I've ever thought about. It's a good point though. The two best sketches that I have wrote are probably the two cheapest ones to produce. I don't know if thats coincidence or not, though.....

Filming is totally out of the question for me. But if you want some sketch ideas I'd like to add some.

Quote: chipolata @ October 19, 2007, 10:39 AM

Instead of just churning out sketches like some sketch churning monster, wouldn't we be better off coming up with a truly innovative conceit or device that could act as a framework for those sketches.

I'm at least 4 months ahead of the game \o/

not pregnant again are you?

let me check *punches stomach* no, think I need a doctor though.

LOL AJP's new pregnancy test!!

If your stomach turns blue your up the duff, if it turns black then try again. We advise doggy style to let stomach heal.

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