British Comedy Guide

Joke Adoption. Page 12

To you too. :D

If you wanted to find the loneliest, saddest and most bullied boy at school, then you had to look no further than me. I was usually flushing his head down the toilet.

A friend asked for a glass of room temperature water; he wasn't too happy when I got it from the radiator.

I was talking to a Scotsman on the phone when I dropped it down the toilet; I think I misunderstood when he said, "Let's have a wee chat."

The first 3D porn film has just been filmed. Sources say that it's so realistic you can feel the pubes between your teeth.

I really am very sorry about that one.

Quote: Ben @ February 21 2010, 12:08 PM GMT

The first 3D porn film has just been filmed. Sources say that it's so realistic you can feel the pubes between your teeth.

I really am very sorry about that one.

Oh dear Lord!

The funniest thread I've read on these forums by a long way, yet I haven't laughed at a single 'joke' in here.

Quote: Mickeza @ February 21 2010, 1:51 PM GMT

The funniest thread I've read on these forums by a long way, yet I haven't laughed at a single 'joke' in here.

Not even at one of my Christmas crackers?

A tiny ear could soon help scientists eavesdrop on micro-organisms; I'd find it awkward, I hate small talk.

Quote: Marooned @ December 25 2009, 12:02 AM GMT

Best line from 'Alien' panto:

"It's inside yoooooou!" last a decent joke. I like this and would consider buying it off much would you sell it for?

Quote: freddie gagtella @ March 22 2010, 7:24 AM GMT last a decent joke. I like this and would consider buying it off much would you sell it for?

Hey, thank you. Glad you liked it. :D

If you're serious about buying it please feel free to PM me.

Paula Radcliffe won the space marathon yesterday and a comet's already been named after her; a spokesperson has said that it's not part of the prize, her excrement's just amassing dust and ice at an alarming rate.

Welcome to McDonald's on the Moon. Try our coffee, because in space no one can you hear you scream.

Voting in an election is like heavy drinking - great at first but then you wind up in a cubicle.

Margaret Thatcher wanted to replace school milk with breast milk; why did you think she was called the Iron Lady?

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