Anyone fancy offering up ideas/scripts for me to animate? I'm having trouble coming up with anything at the moment, it's kind of frustrating.
I'm looking for sketches between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long. Something simple, bare in mind I only have 2 voice actors, male and female with the possibility of putting on accents/funny voices.
I'm trying to keep in theme of more family friendly comedy as well, so nothing too "naughty" and not really interested in topical/political either.
If you're interested, email me your ideas/scripts or post below.
You'll get full writing credits and if you've never had anything produced before, here's your chance!
Check out my YouTube channel for examples of what I'm after...
Give you a better idea of what I'm after:
* A strong character or two.
* An opening gag, to keep that YouTube viewer hooked!
* The possibility of a running sketch. And I don't mean Usain Bolt! Creating characters I can use multiple times would be nice.
* Room for me to edit - I may not be able to draw something, do a particular sound/visual effect or it's just too ambitious in general.
* Can't draw animals that well at the moment. Not totally against using them, but wouldn't really want an animal sketch - just yet anyway!