Quote: Mark @ October 17, 2007, 5:42 PM
I detect some envy here Frankie. I think its audience ratings shows that most people don't think it is a tired and dated format, but you're entited to your opinion.
Everything the guest presenter says is scripted, plus there's always been hints that some of the lines the panelists come up with are not entirely thought off the top of their head shall we say.
Woah, steady!
Where'd that anger come from? Maybe I'm missing some sarcasm? Anyway, you'll never get into the industry with an attitude like that. I think most people on here would agree that, in the main, those in the industry are talented and to say otherwise is silly.
I don't think I'm allowed to say yet, but if you have the idea that it's just some pals brought in by Hattrick I think you'll be surprised to find out who writes for the show and the previous credits on their CVs.
Mark, do you often have a sense of humour failure? Sorry you didn't find any of the points I raised funny, but hey ho.
Most of what I wrote was jest, as for envy, anybody who knows me would tell you that envy is my middle name, er.. I mean that I don't have an envious bone in my body.
But I genuinely think it's a boring outdated format and would like to see some changes. It's OK for 'pipe and slippers' viewers who want to see the same old thing every week, but I don't.
And as for you telling me I'll never get in the industry with an attitude like mine, up yours!
Enjoy your interview ...and your pipe and slippers?
Frankie xxx
Quote: Leevil @ October 17, 2007, 5:55 PM
Your efforts are appreciated Mark!
I think Frankie is just a grumpy git. 
See Mark, Leevil KNOWS me best!!!
Also, OF COURSE your efforts are appreciated, it's ALWAYS interesting to see what ANY writer who is successful has to say. If I didn't appreciate what this site does, believe me I wouldn't grace it with me 'eye' avatar!!!
Fair do's, dude?