British Comedy Guide

New to Site

Hello all.

New to the site but excited by what I've read so far. Am in 'career transition' which I suppose means trying to find a fun job, failing and going back to the old one. In the meantime have started a sitcom script which is taking shape.

Look forward to sharing some stuff with you.


Hello there! :)

Hullo! Wave

Hi Mike!


Hello and Happy New Year.
Post some of the SitCom up in Crit when you've got something worth looking at.
Good luck.

Hello, sounds similar to me, though I'm not writing a sitcom, trying to write films.

Wave Wave


Hello etc.

Hi there, Mike. Wave


Peace n Peas

sending you pavement sparkles and wubbly wuv on the weight of the wind


Quote: RobJ @ January 11 2010, 6:04 PM GMT

Hello, sounds similar to me, though I'm not writing a sitcom, trying to write films.

@rob What sort of stuff? How's it going? Doing the same thing myself.

Hi Mike,

Welome to comedy future! Wave

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